[center][h3][color=navajowhite]Carmina Baltazar[/color][/h3] [color=navajowhite]Location:[/color] Callaway Hall, 4A [color=navajowhite]Interacting with:[/color] The Ladies of Room 4A [@Harley Q] [@princesstee], et al. (if they're in the room)[/center] [hr][hr][h3]1pm[/h3] Within a cramped shower stall, a tiny, dark haired woman was practically dancing to the catchy tune of Enrique Iglesias' [i][url=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RSyUWjftHrs]Loco[/url][/i] that emitted from the waterproof, cheap-looking smart phone in her hand. Drops of water splashed every which way as she moved her body like the amateur dancer she was, lost in the beat. Carmina had been showering for a good 30 minutes now, and when her song finally ended, she hit the handle and ceased the refreshing rain. Tying a towel around her bare body and putting her hair up in another, she sauntered out of the bathroom, Spanish Pop music still blaring from her phone. This had been her second shower of the day; the first had been at her brother's house in Long Island before he'd assisted in moving her up to Mortimers' in Manhattan. While she had barely done any of the work, Carmina had worked up enough of a sweat to justify a shower. Swiping her recently acquired Student ID, the brown haired lady unlocked the door and stepped into her home for the next year. It was a bit... small for a room that housed 5 women, being one of the few like it on campus, but it had a certain rustic charm to it. At the very least, it was better than sleeping on a dirt floor, like she remembered doing for a number of years back in Peru. The basic set up was much like the other dorms, except the beds were arranged differently. Two of them were placed on platforms against the wall, suspended off the ground with ladders attached to reach them, while another was hidden below in the center of the room. All of these came with privacy curtains. The final two beds were simple twins set upon either the side of the center one, yet these two did not have curtains to prevent prying eyes. In any case, Carmina thought it was cute. [hider=Dorm reference][img]http://i.imgur.com/iLhYm5n.jpg?1[/img][/hider] Naturally, the center bed was hers. While it was definitely more restricted than the others, it came with the luxuries of not having to go up and down a ladder and a curtain, just in case she needed to get away from everyone. It helped that there were drawers beneath it too since the fledgling college student had an unnecessary amount of clothes to store. [color=navajowhite]"Hello, ladies~."[/color] she called out to whoever remained in the room, tearing off her towel without any semblance of shame. If they were going to live together, they might as well get used to seeing each other naked. Bending over and rummaging through her drawers, her hands collected undergarments and an outfit to wear. Suddenly, as she dressed herself, one of her favorite songs began to play: another Enrique Iglesias song, [i][url=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4DO8GsIYfhQ]Cuando Me Enamoro[/url][/i]. If it wasn't clear enough by her constant looping of his songs and the rather large poster of him hanging up in her closet space, Carmina was obsessed with Mr. Iglesias. Squealing in delight, her mouth moved in perfect unison to the lyrics, as if she knew the song by heart after many, many hours of listening to it. Her singing voice, unfortunately, left much to be desired, sounding quite like a cat being impaled upon a [url=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4kujH0ScAi0&nohtml5=False]theremin[/url]. Like a whirlwind, the woman began eccentrically prancing around the room while pulling on her jeans and a red-and-white striped midriff. [center][img]http://i.imgur.com/oASM0VZ.jpg?1[/img][/center]