[img]http://cdn.playbuzz.com/cdn/ea3a3c4e-9429-47f1-b64d-cc0765c36ddb/9444d48e-9ff2-415d-8a64-cbbe6a2072fa.jpg[/img] We are back for the 3rd season!!! For those of you new to shine city, its an open freeform slice of life/romance RP where young single people come to socialise and find friendships, dating and ultimately love in the beautiful and ever growing shine city. Shine city is the largest city in Shine County, a fictional land that is based on Canada, Japan and the United Kingdom to some degree where your character will work and live day by day (depending on time skips) and interact with the other inhabitants. The 'Plot' of the RP is mainly decided by the characters as its open to flow with the current events, this is a HUGE social RP so we want as many characters as possible for this iteration of Shine City. Here are the Locations! [hider=Travel Guide To Shine City] I will be your tour guide to make sure you enjoy your stay, first let me show you to the town centre, its know by its official road name of [b]Shine Junction[/b] [hider=Shine Junction][img]http://1.bp.blogspot.com/-5CJb5Q40160/UbcPy3dj1JI/AAAAAAAAA64/k-4P9rpmT5A/s1600/City+Anime+Landscape+46.png[/img] [b]Theme Music![/b] [youtube=Lhv_yFMuwxs]https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TA45S1iuKvQ[/youtube] [/hider] Here you will find a lot of the high end boutiques and clothing stores, there is a theatre, a few music venues and of course the shine city arcade! At night this place lights up and this becomes an amazing place to take a date for a drink in one of the penthouse bars on the skyscrapers dotted throughout the centre. Or maybe take your date to one of the 14 restaurants each with a different cultural style for that exotic variety! Everybody who's anybody can be seen in Shine Junction from time to time.But hang around here too much and you may become over-exposed, a little mystery and privacy goes a long way in the dating world ;) Now for all of you slightly younger go getters out here, or maybe those just trying to add to their skill set later on in life, you will already be familiar with the [b]Shine City Academy[/b] [hider=Shine City Academy] [img]http://th03.deviantart.net/fs70/PRE/f/2011/115/e/7/clannad_anime_school_clean_by_night_wolf23-d3eu3mh.jpg[/img] [b]Theme Song[/b] [youtube=Lhv_yFMuwxs]https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=upOhRRYVGkA[/youtube] [/hider] Although most students here are between the ages of 16-22 there is good number of older students here looking to further their career with extra qualifications, this academy boasts a massive campus which holds a lot of dorm rooms, and a huge university sports field as well. Although this is a place of study do not heistate to come here for a spot of after school socialising! I recommend the cafeteria, the food there is excellent, what a surprise! After all that it would make sense to take it easy for a little while and get some fresh air so why don't you check out the [b]Shiny Park[/b]? [hider=Shiny Park][img]http://i73.photobucket.com/albums/i238/NaniBloom/1494330-bigthumbnail.jpg[/img] [b]Theme Song[/b] [center][youtube=Lhv_yFMuwxs]https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zbKUtDXAkO8[/youtube][/center] [/hider] You may want to take your puppy for a walk around here, pets are the best conversation starter and you may even get some exercise chasing after Mr/Ms Right! I'll catch you there for ultimate frisbee! This is also a great place for a picnic, and time to pull out the guitar when nobody is expecting it. [hider=Club LUSH][img]http://media-cache-ec0.pinimg.com/736x/99/7b/83/997b83d1fcafeb612033a1babebcf156.jpg[/img] Ahh 21 and over only I'm afraid, this is the biggest club in the city, and is frequented by whoever is somebody in Shine County! Sadly on a busy night, its hard to get in unless you know someone from the upper echelon of high society. It has the best nightcore and hardcore happy house in the world and the dance floor is always packed out. The Bouncers have kept an eye out for students from [b]Shine City Academy[/b] who probably shouldn't be there! If you cant get in here be sure to check out the [b]MochaVine[/b] coffee store. [/hider] [hider=Club Lush PlayList] [center][youtube=Lhv_yFMuwxs]https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EUS_ONfxRnQ[/youtube][/center] [center][youtube=Lhv_yFMuwxs]https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PeqGQeIJ8I4[/youtube][/center] [center][youtube=Lhv_yFMuwxs]https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AJO8uo3UMko[/youtube][/center] [center][youtube=Lhv_yFMuwxs]https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JW67Jt_4EVg[/youtube][/center] [/hider] [hider=Mochavine Cafe & Bar] [img]http://ic.pics.livejournal.com/kristalyamaki/7087897/11960/11960_original.jpg[/img] [b]Theme Music[/b]: [center][youtube=Lhv_yFMuwxs]https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lfudDzITiw8[/youtube][/center] [/hider] If you want to relax or maybe talk to the cool bartenders and baristas the please check out this awesome cafe bar combo, its frequented by the more artistic crowd in Shine City and is a great place for indpendent musicians to get a start. The lovely [b]Rosanna Reyes[/b] works here and the bar has seen a influx of young men attending since she started working here....hmmm I wonder why? :) But if you are feeling hungry please head over to the [b]Tiny Snowflake Restaurant[/b] [hider=Tiny Snowflake Restaurant] [img]http://www.hauteliving.com/wp-content/uploads/2010/09/Kabuki-Japanese-Restaurant-Tempe.jpg[/img] [b]Theme Song[/b] [center][youtube=Lhv_yFMuwxs]https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=B4YF_T4MZBI[/youtube][/center] [/hider] Feeling that traditional vibe? well the founder of this beautiful eatery in the heart of shine junction can trace his family business all the way back to the Edo period, which is why he has chosen to preserve the oriental aesthetic in the decor. The menu here is very varied though serving anything from Sushi and Wu don to steak and lobster, to cater to all the tastes of the very mixed culture of shine city. Word has it that the beautiful [b]Amaya[/b] works here in a very pretty kimono, you'll have to come see for yourself. [hider=Shine City Players Casino] [img]http://media.tumblr.com/653b9c63aaddde37e20e7b6820e7174b/tumblr_inline_mhnkl45Idv1qz4rgp.jpg[/img] [center][youtube=Lhv_yFMuwxs]https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jWr7v0Kc-f4[/youtube][/center] [/hider] Hey so you have a bit of spare cash? why not see if you can double it at shine city's premiere grown up playground? The socilaites from the the wealthy [b]Upscale Heights[/b] part of town love to frequent this golden paradise almost any day of the week. Casino Games, Poker, BlackJack, Roulette, Slots, the options to gamble and live life on the edge are available for you here, just remember when its time to stop! But if youre not quite old enough for these games and want a more family friendly playground check out the [b]Lancom Arcade[/b] [hider=Lancom Arcade] [img]http://img.deepgamers.com/3038anime-arcade.png[/img] [center][youtube=Lhv_yFMuwxs]https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ia_qGbJ6YKk[/youtube][/center] [/hider] This is the centre for everything gaming, LAN parties, Trading Card Games, Arcade Tournaments, even a bit of cosplay on certain days! Please come along and spend the day with your friends around colourful lights and library of games for you to enjoy! And remember this is shine city, so a high level tournament player is the type to end up on a lot of dates! so brush up on those skills! Now after all that high energy gaming why not take a stroll through the calming [b]Shine Aquarium[/b] exhibition? [hider=Shine Aquarium] [img]http://img05.deviantart.net/7031/i/2014/216/6/3/aquarium_by_airibbon-d7tkcnf.jpg[/img] [center][youtube=Lhv_yFMuwxs]https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uqcPSbkS9TQ[/youtube][/center] [/hider] The sea creatures of shine county are a marvel to behold, and the 'blue tunnel' in this vast museum/aquarium is almost the stuff of legend, this aquarium was the main driving force of tourism in shine city back when it was only a little town back in the 80s. This is the perfect place to take a date, let the atmosphere and music send you into a dream word...and dont forget to buy a t-shirt! [hider=The Enchanted Florist] [img]http://hdwpics.com/images/23F05D0624E6/Flower-Shop.jpg[/img] [center][youtube=Lhv_yFMuwxs]https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Hgs6NEdVYWg[/youtube][/center] Did you forget your mom's birthday? Didn't get your girl anything for your anniversary and now you're stuck in the dog house? Well, flowers don't fix everything, but they're a good place to start! All of our beautiful flowers are either grown in house or supplied by local growers from within the Shine City community, and they're sure to put a smile on that special someone's face. More of a do-it-yourself kind of person? We've got you covered! This flower shop has everything a gardener could ever need, from pruning sheers and gloves to fertilizer and seeds. So come on down to The Enchanted Florist and grab your 'I'm-so-sorry-please-don't-make-me-sleep-on-the-couch-again' bouquet today! [/hider] [hider=Shine City Ice Rink] [img]http://hdwallpapers.cat/wallpaper/group_of_anime_girls_are_ice_skating_cute_hd-wallpaper-334280.jpg[/img] [youtube]https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VGMpO_9-0JY[/youtube] Hey so you feeling the winter spirit? while inside of the same centre that holds the Aquarium is a new ice rink center! There will be more expansions to the activity complex coming soon, and this is the first! Rent a set of blades and show off on your next date, and dont worry even if you fall on your butt, its seen as cute, so its a win/win situation! See you on the Ice! [/hider] [hider='An Eye For Fashion' Boutique] [img]http://i.imgur.com/zp2CODb.jpg?1[/img] Vision feeling a little blurry? Or perhaps you need a new set of shades for the beach? At "An Eye For Fashion" the expert staff of licensed professionals can help you see your best and look your best. Inspired by the owner's travels across Europe, you'll feel as though you've stepped into another dimension as you leave Japan behind for the rustic city streets of Europe. It's said that Kyle Parker is working on his skills in the trade here. They carry popular brand lines such as Bay-Rans, Coochie, and airsols. [youtube]https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6CLN-2hwvBg[/youtube] [/hider] [hider=Shine City Town Hall] Catherine Von Shine and her rich family founded Shine County In the 1800s, and although the bloodline of the family is no more. The beautiful Mansion they owned has stood the test of time and has been restored for public use as, [b]The Shine City Town Hall[/b]. Legendary Party Promoter and Co-Ordinator [b]Jacques Jonai[/b] has gotten permission from the City to begin holding City events here Including [i]The 1st Shine Masquerade Ball[/i] for the new year. [img]http://orig05.deviantart.net/5040/f/2015/092/1/5/grand_stair_w_by_jakebowkett-d8o72dn.jpg[/img] [youtube]https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mAJon3O-cls[/youtube] [/hider] ****************************************************************************************************** [b]CHARACTER SHEET[/b] [b]Name: (full please) Age: 16-35 Appearance: (Image or description, doesn't have to be Anime) Height: Weight: Likes: Dislikes: Party Trick: Profession: (What you do and where you work) Bio/Personality: (one paragraph)[/b] [/hider]