[hider=WIP Mechanic][img]http://vignette2.wikia.nocookie.net/starwars/images/b/b4/Verpine2.0.jpg/revision/latest/scale-to-width-down/270?cb=20070528034329[/img] Name: Fxs'sT aka "Fix" Race: Verpine Gender: Male Age: 29 Homeworld: Roche Asteroid Field Profession: Mechanic Personality: Fix at first glance seems to be a hard person to approach though that may be due to his appearance rather than anything else. He is actually a rather nice person who is normally easy going as his puts forth the aura of a pacifist like most of his race even as he carries a sidearm on his hip. This outer appearance is just a farce though as the only thing that keeps Fxs'st going is his love for a good pay day and to just not die a poor man. The verpine Bio: Weapons: Verpine Shatter Pistol Gear/Equipment/Items Obligations: Bounty: Wanted captured alive by Teemo the Hutt Bounty: Wanted alive by Slayn & Korpil Company[/hider]