[center] [color=00a99d][h1]Chapter 1: The Escape[/h1][/color] [img]http://3.bp.blogspot.com/-oM9J5Hvdnm4/T8Yij5qcQOI/AAAAAAAAPvI/ACcGdkxuGTo/s1600/1201_set_int_lunar_prison_cellblock_100813_v06b_cs.jpeg[/img] [/center] [i]You are in a prison [url=http://3.bp.blogspot.com/_1dXw59kWBpI/TTen0Y_c_7I/AAAAAAAAACE/RrnbtK3tktQ/s1600/HyperCube7.png]cell[/url] it is white and made just for you. Your powers don't work no matter what you try and never have but still you try. What you do no know is that you have been watched. By who, you don't know yet but it will be reviled. Now all you can do is walk around and exercise until you find a way out. One day when your food is delivered through one of the squares you only get a envelope with a small and thin [url=https://jamesrayneau.files.wordpress.com/2013/02/iron-man-2-pda.jpg]PDA[/url] in it. IT has a button on the side and once you press it your entire room goes black and the PDA turns on. It being the only light in the room an image appeasers a [url=http://s3.amazonaws.com/rapgenius/Zsqwn2V6Q0yOHJxBQ0ky_dying_sun.jpg]sun[/url]. Then after a few seconds a smooth aged voice starts to talk. [indent][color=00a99d]"Hello, how are you? Well I don't really care now do I. My name is....lets go with Mr.Sinister. And I am now your guardian angle, and have a proposition for you. But first let me tell you a little more about my self. I am a retired Rogue, yes retired, I have lived a long and full like and do not regret any of it. I am a famous Rogue and you have probably heard of me but for now I am just old Mr. Sinister. I have been watching the world from my lovely home and have been very disappointed with the rogues of today. You guys are all week and all the same, like a bunch of wild dogs who got tamed by the Vigil and ARGO. I mean you are here, in a cell, how much more do I need to say. Now I would like to call to attention the major problem of today, you do not understand the power in numbers, but I am here to fix it. I have chosen you among others as the brightest and the best of the lot. You among others have certain qualities that will be needed to help mold and create my dream; an organization that rivals the power of Vigil and ARGO put together. Now I know I sound crazy, why would a bunch of fibers, killers and thieves work together? Well because you don't have any other choice. Think about it, what if you had a group to call upon when you need some bailing out, or when you are planning a great heist. Now that I have planted these thoughts in your head I am going to need to know that you will help me. IF you Agree press your thumb to the screen s indicated if you don't then the screen will go blank and your room will turn back on will be flushed causing your death. You have 5 seconds."[/color][/indent] Now those of you who have pressed the button will be greeted by an lay out of the prison accompanied by a voice. [indent][color=00a99d]"Grand you decided to stay, and the ones who did not will be missed. Now down to business, the prison is using special technology dampened powers and abilities. And it is adaptive, so it is specialized for each individual to make them as human and weak as possible. Now I have temporarily suspended the signal of your cell so that we could talk, the PDA is giving off a signal to do that. In a one hour from now I will be sending a signal prison wide and each cell will be opened and turned off for that time period. You all are currently in Cell block A, the cylinder. Now all the cells are up against the walls with a walk way spanning each floor and a tiny path connecting to the elevator shaft in the middle of the floor. Once the signal goes off the only thing that will be functional will be the [url=https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/236x/93/a8/61/93a861f56a49bd4e42c0ce6c23da9e52.jpg]robot guards patrolling[/url]. Now once your out these things will be your first obstacle. They are based off of the wardens design and are light fast and pack a punch but will only try to subdue you not kill you. Once you get through them make your way to the shaft. While the prison is on lock down the only way to get air in or out will be through this shaft, thus it becomes a giant tube of pressurized air going up. All you simply have to do is jump into the current and ride the winds. Once you make it to the top your last challenge will show itself, The WARDEN. It is a robot unlike any other and has more experience than all of you combined. Heed my warning, he is the only one with a lethal kill protocol so he will kill you on site. The best thing to do is to subdue him by taking the Energy core from behind his chest plate. If you can get past his gadgets and skills then you exit will be waiting in the form of a boat at the edge of the top of the dome. Now don't think you all have all the time in the world, once you get to the top you will only have about 30 mins before ARGO and Vigil show up then there is really no helping you. I have told you a lot in a short time and now you even have an even shorter amount of time to prepare, like 15 mins, so consider this your test to prove your worth as a Rogue to me, one of the best in the game. If you accept this, my plan for the future, the roles you will play, and everything else then give your thumb again. Oh and one more thing, don't lose this PDA until I tell you to throw it away, that's if you keep it. You have five seconds.[/color][/indent] A few minutes later the room turns on and then goes black again and the doors open and you can see the elevator shaft from your cell. Time to get the hell out of here. [/i]