[center][h2][b]Ward 3, Minato, Tokyo[/b] [color=yellow][b]Hana Kurosawa[/b][/color][/h2][/center] [hr] Hana let out a dejected look at first, finding herself victim of Asoka's vitriol once more.[color=yellow] [i]You know, you impertinent little brat, I was trying to be nice. No need to shove me your bacteriological weapon albeit lovely foot on my face. Rin's younger than you and she's more mature.[/i][/color]. However, she quickly recomposed her face, obviously weathering the blow with grace and dignity.[color=yellow] "Waah, A-chan, that's mean ~!"[/color]. Hana squeaked so slightly upon the gesture. It did warrant a reaction. Just simply staring stoically at the foot would not do it. Allowing herself to stretch slightly still in her jogging sweatsuit, she contemplated how Asoka had decided to make japes about Rin's job. [color=yellow][i]Any work is good, considering we, as a whole are not likely to find many jobs.[/i][/color]. Her sight immediatly rested on the boy's scuffle, and resisted the urge to facepalm. It didn't look serious, and even bystanders would just turn their heads away, as long as they kept it to the fists and not their Kagunes. Fortunately, the fight died as soon as it had started, although she wasn't sure if Asoka's attempt at being creepy had something to do with it. It just needed a good finisher. Hana knelt beside Mii and the twins, resting her arms in the children's shoulders. [color=yellow]"Boys...my sweeties. They never learn. Getting into fights is not a sign of strenght or bravery, it's a sign of being dummies. And we don't like dummy boys, don't we? What girls appreciate is [i]reliability[/i]. Besides, Take-kun... I might be mistaken, but...if you want Rinrin to be your oneechan you must know that she likes peace and being quiet."[/color] She stood upwards, raising an index finger. [color=yellow]"Alright, let's go in straight to my house in the fourth floor, being abandoned is an ordeal...huh"[/color] Hana stood there frozen, as a new person entered the premises. [color=yellow][i]That smell...between ghoul and human. A CCG investigator and the quinq- no, wait... I remember this one. It's...[/i][/color] [color=yellow]"Takkun!?"[/color] Hana let out a soft gasp. Now that was a curve ball she wasn't expecting. Takumi was probably one of the most fascinating protegees' of the old man. She didn't know the specifics, but he had a human upbringing, and Hana always stuck to him whenever the old man wasn't around to pester him with questions, and he was always willing to follow his big sis antics, once he had been brought out of his shell. Hana forsake her previous intention, as she opened her arms wide, and ran towards Takumi, beaming a smile under the hood she was wearing. [color=yellow]"IMMA EAT YOU!"[/color] She yelled, as she tackled Takumi, all overexcited. Her legs firmly clamped around his waist in a deadlock as her mouth went for his tender neck... ...Only to produce farty sounds with her lips on Takumi's neck. All the tension, and all the worries of a masquerade breaching quickly dissipated in one of the silliest ways imaginable. Hana giggled as she then faced Takumi, face to face.[color=yellow]"Where have you been? No, scratch that, you're alive!"[/color]. It was then when she leaned towards Takumi's ear, her voice soft, but with a solemn tone in her whisper.[color=yellow]" Fifth ward is going to be a battlefield and they lost their guardian. Have you tracked us down? Depending on your answer...I might have to...take action."[/color] She commented, as she let Takumi go of her grasp, her semblance serious for a moment before quickly reassembling in a smile.