After he had located and sussed out the infirmary, feeling confident in his abilities now that he knew where everything was. The weak little boy left again and decided to make his way back to the bridge, where he knew everyone else was at the moment, to see what was going on and if they were out of immediate danger yet. He found his way around a little easier, and didn't bump into anyone on the way, making him wonder if there was anyone else on bored the ship, aside from them. Soon found himself back at the bridge, though not knowing what to do, he just shrunk into the background, and chose to observe for a while, deciding that he wouldn't be all to useful at the moment, since he didn't know how to fly an airship and all that. "I do wonder what is going on" He spoke quietly to himself as he moved out of someone's way, then moved forward to see what their leader was doing, before moving to look out the windows.