"And this is the third floor of our accommodation block, and the suite where you will be staying is just down the hallway." The aged concierge says, doing his best not to glance over his shoulder as he walks down the long wide wood-panelled corridor. His immaculately polished shoes whisper upon the thick maroon carpet underfoot. He hears the soft padding of sneakers behind him and he does his best not to turn around. He knows that the moment he does, the moment he claps eyes on the figure behind him, that all his efforts to pretend she's just another student will shatter like the stained glass in the entrance hall. For her part, Asani Calavia is irritated. She's not irritated with the old man, who has been perfectly sweet and gentlemanly in letting her in and showing her to her room, despite the fact it's nearly nine o clock in the local evening and he wants to go home. No, Asani is annoyed with the whole situation, being sent to Earth, missing the premiere of one of Her films for the sake of the Goddess! She's annoyed with being sent down to earth to live amongst the humans, not in itself an insurmountable challenge but they're not even the sort of humans Asani wants to associate herself with. Her mother had, with malice aforethought, packed Asani off to one of the premier music/arts/dance colleges in the United States of America. The prospectus had billed it as being full of prodigies, talents and good students, people dedicated to their craft. Asani's kind of people, and as the shadow-backer for Calent, one of the fastest growing entertainment consortiums in Asari space, a potential source of cheap talent. However what she's found upon arriving was rather different. Celestine Academy does have quite a few talented people attending, but they're mostly already on someone else's payroll and thus untouchable. There are some scholarship students, but there are very few of them. So, it's a school for the talented, and those wealthy enough to buy prosthetic talent that could maybe pass for the real thing at a distance. There are all together too many of those, and that is something Asani is not looking forward to dealing with. Asani herself comes from the caste of the super rich. Not just the jet-set, but the private luxury space yacht set. She's used to hobnobbing with the rich and famous and wealthy and powerful. She's used to swimming with sharks and These are minnows by comparison. However minnows have an eye for advantage, and if you get enough of them in one place and give them a common goal then they can be dangerous to even a shark of the Calavia Family's size. Add to that a dose of human hormones and immaturity and you get a recipient for... Fireworks. The one saving grace is the fact that almost nobody on earth knows the name Calavia for what it is, and if all goes well, she'll be able to scoot by under the radar. Asani tugs at her jeans, wishing she could dress more appropriately. Her mother had insisted that she "dress human" for the ride in, and so Asani is clad simply, in sneakers and jeans, Univeristy of Thessia hoodie and fish eye glasses. That had earned her some disparaging looks which had only grown worse when they'd seen her blue scaly skin. The concierge stops outside a door, and then he turns to face Asani, and she can practically see th gears whirring in his head as he tries to find something to say. She can see the way his eyes take in her pale blue skin and deep blue eyes, her thin lips and her lack of hair, her scaly skin... "And this is your room, ah..." He stutters "Unfortunately, we haven't been able to get you a single room so you'll be sharing with someone, Miss Valentine I believe." He says and Asani nods. "You've been very helpful. I'm sure I can handle things from here." She says, her voice low and sensual and the concierge bows and nods quickly before turning gratefully away, eager to get away. Asani watches his retreating back for a second and then she reaches for the door handle and knocks gently.