Jeeves turned around to face Oliver, giving him a slight bow. "I'm terribly sorry, ser Oliver, but we have no recipes for desserts fit for a vampire... If there are any suggestions we'd be glad to change the menu for the next time." Sanguine sighed, waving for all of the servants to leave. Whom all quickly obliged and left the room. Once they were all gone she answered Oliver's question for the butler. "It's fine, Oliver. I may have a very limited diet now, but it's not like I feel left out. It's a bit hard to admit, but...that blood tasted like heaven. Better than any normal dessert they could have put in front of me. It almost felt like I was only having dessert for dinner. I mean, I would like to still have something like strawberries, but they don't seem appealing to me at all any more." Sanguine finally stood, deciding it was time for something more important. She had ordered for the spies to have their reports by the end of the day, so surely they would have at least some information by now. "I plan to go and see if the spies have returned with information yet. We may be safe in here for now, but I want to be as prepared as possible before we go out. Care to join me? Or would going over reports be too boring?" Sanguine may not have been the strongest spellcaster, or the best leader the guild could have had when this was a game. But behind she scenes she was always busy with the 'paperwork' of the guild. For direct leadership and power the guild had the generals. Though now only Oliver still remained for that. But the woman planned to continue what she knew she was best at. The paperwork part of management. (Figured we could end the first day here. As in, heading to bed. Just picked something not too important to do until bed time since it was still a bit early in the evening.)