Alpha pokes her head inside the.stall snorting looking around before she hears a foal whinny for help. Turning her head watched a foal sprinting for them a stallion galloping after it. Alpha lunged over the goal and screamed a whinny and the stallion shreiked to a stop before her and eyes huge and galloped away fast as if she was a killer. She snorted and then looked at the foal that looked at her mouh dropped open in surprise. The horses stare at her and then started rearing up and whinny's happily stomping on their stall doors wanting to meet alpha. The mare snorted and leads the foal back to her mother stall and opens the lock easily with her jaws and lets the foal trot off to its mother that nuzzled her foal happy and looked at Alpha with thankful eyes. Alpha nodded and went off to her stall and flopped tiredly. She shook herself out and folded up her wings neatly and started to fall asleep, for the first time in forever there was a time the mare could rest easy.