[quote=@HaleyTheRandom] [hider=Shawn Adam Hunter][center][img]https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/236x/03/d1/e7/03d1e77fd175b4a67d63a02044bc07aa.jpg[/img] [b][i][color=7ea7d8]"We like our thrills dirt cheap and our irony thick."[/color][/i][/b] –[b]Icon For Hire, Cynics & Critics[/b] [url=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pD-2VsWaJo0]Tell Me I'm A Wreck ~ Every Avenue[/url] | [url=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KLedBRU3Ac8]Carry On ~ Bad Seed Rising[/url][hr][hr][/center] ►[color=7ea2d8][b]Full Name[/b][/color]◄ [indent]Shawn Adam Hunter[/indent] ►[color=7ea2d8][b]Nickname[/b][/color]◄ [indent]Shawny, and he hates it due to the childish nature. [/indent] ►[color=7ea2d8][b]Birth Date[/b][/color]◄ [indent]July 27th, 1997.[/indent] ►[color=7ea2d8][b]Age[/b][/color]◄ [indent]18.[/indent] ►[color=7ea2d8][b]Gender[/b][/color]◄ [indent]Male.[/indent] ►[color=7ea2d8][b]Sexuality[/b][/color]◄ [indent]Hetero.[/indent] ►[color=7ea2d8][b]Relationship Status[/b][/color]◄ [indent]Single.[/indent] ►[color=7ea2d8][b]Sexually Active[/b][/color]◄ [indent]Yes.[/indent] ►[color=7ea2d8][b]Team Color[/b][/color]◄ [indent][color=00a651]Green and proud.[/color][/indent] ►[color=7ea2d8][b]Years At Camp[/b][/color]◄ [indent]Three. He started coming when he was fifteen.[/indent] ►[color=7ea2d8][b]In Depth Appearance[/b][/color]◄ [indent]A tall figure standing at the height of 5 feet, 9 inches (1.79 meters), Shawn weighs in at about 149 pounds (67 kg). With dark brown hair that is typically stylized to be swept back, the young man is lean with the slightest six pack. With deep hazel eyes, Shawn likes to dress in graphic tee's, jeans and random pair of shoes that just so happen to match with the color scheme. He can also be seen wearing a un-tucked dress shirt, just because he simply feels like it. The young man has a scar on his shoulder that runs vertically that is about 2 inches long. [/indent] ►[color=7ea2d8][b]Habits & Quirks[/b][/color]◄ [indent]-Shaking of the right leg. -Mentally corrects grammar when reading something. -Runs hands through hair for no apparent reason. -When thinking very intensely, Shawn chews the inside of his jaw. -Carries his laptop everywhere.[/indent] ►[color=7ea2d8][b]Likes & Dislikes[/b][/color]◄ [indent] [color=a2d39c]Likes: Anything to do with technology, music of the pop or light rock genres, helping people, pranks, spray painting just about anything, cheese, showing off his brain.[/color] [color=9e0b0f]Dislikes: Drinking water, people telling him that he shouldn't do the things he does, bullies (Shawn knows there is a fine line between a prank and being cruel), complainers, wearing a tie -Shawn prefers bowties-, people who think they are better than him. [/color] [/indent] ►[color=7ea2d8][b]Fears & Phobias[/b][/color]◄ [indent]-Heights -Large Animals[/indent] ►[color=7ea2d8][b]Good Personality Traits[/b][/color]◄ [indent]-Kind -Humorous -Smart -Knows how to keep a secret -Keeps his promises.[/indent] ►[color=7ea2d8][b]Bad Personality Traits[/b][/color]◄ [indent]-Confident -Prankster -Can be funny at the wrong times -Tends to stay with his face in a screen.[/indent] ►[color=7ea2d8][b]Personality[/b][/color]◄ [indent]Shawn, needless to say, is confident. He may be a nerd, but the boy does have a killer torso, which he is proud off. With a love of food and rock music, it is a rare sight to see the young man without a snack in his hand and earbuds in his ears. The young man has been known to be called what the kids say is savage, and he has no problem with this. He knows that on occasion, even though he is kind to most, that he can say something mean, or come across as rude. Despite this, Shawn loves to help people. There have been many to tell him that he is their confidant, and knows that he can keep any secret that he tells them. Shawn is the type of guy that is extremely random, and there is no telling what he will say, or do, next. He is also very determined, and will stop at almost nothing to succeed, accepting help from no one. He is also very dependable, and when he say's he will get it done, he will. Perhaps not at the exact time that he or you would like, but if you ask him to make a cake, and the boy agrees to do so, expect the cake on your doorstep pretty soon. Along with being dependable, he hates broken promises. When he says the words "I promise" he will stick by that promise until the day he dies to make sure that it is fulfilled. Shawn is not one for gossip, though is a loud and rambunctious person. If there is a party or social activity to be found, he will find it and you can be sure to find him there. The boy has a major ego and cares -perhaps to much- what others think of him. Despite being known as a nerd, Shawn is exceptionally flirty and loves to throw a suggestive glance here and there. [/indent] ►[color=7ea2d8][b]Place Of Origin[/b][/color]◄ [indent]Jacksonville, Florida.[/indent] ►[color=7ea2d8][b]Background[/b][/color]◄ [indent]Shawn was born to a young couple of the names Ashley and Joshua -who were unmarried at the time of his birth- in the place known as Miami Florida. The two of them stayed together until the boy was roughly the age of 3, and then his mother simply up and left without a trace. She emptied her bank account, took her clothes, and changed her phone number. No note was left. Needless to say, Joshua was devastated and baby Shawn had hardly a clue of what was going on. Despite the sudden change in life events, Shawns father did his best to raise the boy, taking double shifts and leaving him to be baby sat by his grandmother, which he was always close to. Just like any other person, Shawn started school at the age of five, and just fell into place. He loved to read, write, and most of all, doing things with numbers. At the age of eight, he started playing the drums when his curiosity was sparked by a band that he seen on TV. His father and grandmother, assuming that it was one of his phases, bought him a simple drum set, until they seen that at the age of nine, he had developed a certain passion for it, and decided to get him an actual set. It was when Shawn was ten that he took a great interest in technology, and ventured into the world of coding. This was also the time that Joshua feel in love with another woman by the name of Victoria. The two dated for almost five months, and then it was when Shawn found out that she had a daughter his age, that he became interested in his fathers personal life. The children meet, and got along surprisingly well. It was then that Joshua and Victoria decided to get married, and did so not a year later with Shawn being the ring bearer. At the age of fifteen, Shawn started coming to Camp Liberty as his fathers way to make him more independent and get away from the big city. As it turns out, Shawn was sorted on to team Green and has loved it. [/indent] ►[color=7ea2d8][b]Miscellaneous[/b][/color]◄ [indent]Shawn enjoys playing the drums and making up parodies of the latest songs.[/indent] ►[color=7ea2d8][b]Extra[/b][/color]◄ [indent]Gaming. Preferably by means of console. [/indent] [color=ff0000][b]C O P Y R I G H T[/b] This sheet was constructed by [@HushedWhispers], herself. Any plagiarism of any kind will not be tolerated. And if need permission to borrow, please just ask.[/color][/hider] [@HushedWhispers] [/quote] Nice work, Haley! Accepted. You may place her in the character tab. :)[hr] [quote=@Wintergrey] [@HushedWhispers] I know you're making twins, but how would you feel about another pair of green males..? [/quote] LOL. That's fine. But wouldn't you want them on different teams to give the other that competitive edge? LOL. Entirely up to you, of course but that's why my twins are on different teams.