[@Shiny Keldeo] [h3][color=f26522]Zaru the Chimchar[/color] [color=fff79a]Valiant Village[/color][/h3] Zaru smiled at her and said, [color=f26522]"Alright!"[/color] He then gave her a mock salute before waving as he started to make his way to the center plaza where the statue stood. [color=f26522]"Bye Roserade!"[/color] He called out before continuing on. He expected that Milton was there but he wasn't. Maybe he wasn't done with his job yet. Then he saw Spirit approach the place before heading off to some other place. Curious, the Chimchar decided to follow him. It led him to a river where everyone else was playing. His eyes brightened up as he saw the others and he didn't notice that he placed himself beside their guildmaster. He quickly corrected it though and spoke, [color=f26522]"All done with the job sir!"[/color] He exclaimed before looking around, eyes searching for a tree. His eyes quickly found one and then he scampered up and then sat down there to watch the other pokemon play around. Ah, this was refreshing to see. There was that Totodile, Devon, Lulu (glad she's alright), some of her friends and a Sharpedo, no doubt Milton. The others might be running around in panic but if it was real, then they would've gotten out of the water. Besides, there was no one that was aggressive enough in this village that would even do such a thing. He then leaned on the trunk as he continued to watch, a smile easing to his face. He was pretty sure that no one else besides Spirit noticed him here, not that he needed to announce his presence. Watching them was enough for him and being a fire type, he wasn't exactly too keen on jumping in unlike that Vulpix.