[center][color=salmon][h3]Name:[/h3][/color] Adam Hanley [color=salmon][h3]Age:[/h3][/color] 29 [color=salmon][h3]Gender:[/h3][/color] Male [color=salmon][h3]Species:[/h3][/color] Vampire [color=salmon][h3]Appearance:[/h3][/color] (I will put a picture here once I finish it) Adam has shoulder-length wavy red hair with many layers so it always looks a bit unkempt. His green eyes are usually hooded behind blond eyelashes and his mouth seems to rest in a perpetual smirk. [color=salmon][h3]Personality:[/h3][/color] Adam is a trickster who loves to flirt and have a good time. He takes pleasure in the hunt, preferring to stalk his victims for a while to make them paranoid, but hardly ever kills within the city just in case it could be traced back to him. Other than that, he acts like your typical smug punk who can hold way more alcohol than a normal person should be able to. [color=salmon][h3]Abilities/Skills:[/h3][/color] He possesses supernatural strength, speed, and senses. Using his voice and gaze, he can mildly influence the actions of a human, but could never get them to do something that would go against their morals (can’t make someone murder, steal, or eat meat if they’re vegan). He likes to use this ability frequently when preying upon humans to either make them forget they were fed upon or simply put them to sleep. [color=salmon][h3]Weaknesses:[/h3][/color] The sunlight hinders his ability to use his powers to their fullest and attempts to persuade humans in the sunlight often fail. Powers of persuasion rarely work on other supernatural beings. Religious symbols when wielded by one who holds a sincere belief in that symbol can burn his skin. Also, he cannot enter someone’s place of living without being invited in. Driving a stake through his heart would completely paralyze him, though it wouldn’t be deadly. Beheading or complete destruction of his body in any way would effectively banish him from existence in a pile of ash. If he spends a grossly long period of time without having any blood, he would surely wither away into nothing. Also, he’s super grossed out by maggots. [color=salmon][h3]Brief history/background:[/h3][/color] Adam was turned into a vampire in Boston, Massachusetts in 1878 by a vampire who promptly abandoned him. Very little of his life as a human can be remembered, but when he was first turned, he was a menace to Boston, feeding on whomever he pleased whenever he pleased, much to the chagrin of the older vampire society around the city at that time. Without a mentor, he was forced by his own reckless behavior to move around various cities for many years but was eventually taken under the wing of an older vampire who showed him how to live in a more discreet fashion while still enjoying life's pleasures. Adam traveled away from his mentor to London at the turn of the 21st century, confident in his ability to live on his own in human society without being caught. He’s still causing a bit of mayhem every now and then, though. [color=salmon][h3]Anything else:[/h3][/color] He’s pansexual. [/center]