[hr][hr] [center][img]http://s8.postimg.org/r37k2n3b9/tumblr_o368unkl2u1svfe0so1_1280.png[/img][/center] [b]Lexcorp Bulding - Metropolis - United States - Midgard[/b] [hr][hr] Thor listened passively as Lex talked, the man was a font of words, his keen mind reminded Thor of his brother Loki; the younger prince of the Realms always had some scheme in progress and could dream up more ways to sow confusion and mischief than Thor would ever know. But he loved his brother and the memory brought a sharp pang of hurt to the Thunder God's chest. [color=39b54a]"-Jonathan Corben and he is very dangerous. Very dangerous, indeed."[/color] Thor turned his attention to the screen that Lex was showing him, three figures were exchanging powerful blows and- no, two of the figures were attacking the other. Thor focused on the screen and recognised the garb of- [color=39b54a]"-Superman and Wonder Woman want to keep him to themselves. If they do, innocent people will die."[/color] Thor understood what was happening, Superman had engaged into battle with this 'Corben' and had been defeated, but rather than accept his death like a warrior he had summoned assistance from Wonder Woman and were dishonourably overpowering their foe by numbers alone. Thor had no trouble imagining Wonder Woman was a formidable warrior in her own right and Lex had mentioned many times of how Superman's abilities were an inevitable threat to Midgard itself. This would be a bout worthy of the Mighty Thor! Or it would be if Lex's words had not struck a chord with the Odinson. Thor looked Lex directly in the face, [color=FFA500][b]"Thou dost say Corben must be brought [i]back[/i]? Whence was this danger here before and why was it given leave to go?"[/b][/color] Shaking his head, Thor whirled Mjolnir, [color=FFA500][b]"Corben will be recovered, but we will have words upon my return."[/b][/color] With that Thor loosed the hammer and went flying through Lex's wall into the Metropolis skyline. He could feel the tug at his senses leading him towards the battle at hand and allowed himself to surrender to them, flying into the city of Metropolis itself.