Group 47, that was our lucky number. We are the oldest smuggling team. I believe the youngest right now is... 132... 132. There is us, 47... then 132. That means approximately we've lost 2,125 people... I think we lose more smuggling than anything else combined... Terrance was lost in thought as he laid on his couch in an apartment. One of the best... Tetra takes care of her best people. He yawned and sat up. His watch was just a silver frame as he glanced down at it. *THUD* *THUD* *THUD* Terrance jumped to his feet, his grogginess dissipating as if it never existed. He set his back up against the wall and waited for the door to be kicked in. He peered over his shoulder to see an envelope across from the door. He quietly stepped over to it glancing under the door to see any shadows. His adrenaline began to slow as he grabbed the letter. He quickly opened it up. Inside there were ration cards and the actual letter. He pulled it out and read a "Group 47" on the folded end. He opened it to read the rest. "Terrance You did good on that last drop. I have another one for you. First here's the payment for you and the rest of your group. This next ones going to the East Boston Airport. Four bags. Three with ammunition and another full of supplements. I don't care how you get there, just make sure you get it all there. Love Tetra" Terrance flipped the letter over and observed the map to find out where he was dropping off the shipment, "Who wants ammunition at the Airport... that place is a military controlled zone." He sighed as he left his room. He locked the door and walked past a lookout. "Got another shipment? Good Luck," the man said raising his hand. Terrance didn't turn to say anything, he simply raised his hand to show he acknowledged his statement. He stepped outside with the sun just barely rising. It wasn't extremely dark but you could roll an ankle if you weren't paying attention. He turned down street walking past two soldiers talking to each other. One glanced up at Terrance and turned back to his partner to continue the conversation. The walk felt perilous and bland. He looked up at each of the buildings he walked past. His group was constantly changing buildings. He saw the Big Black X in one of the buildings windows. He noted the fire hydrant in front of the building. He stepped over to the door and turned to the man sitting at it. "Tetra speaks again," he said as he turned and proceeded down the road. The man taking instant action as he hopped up and ran into the building. He ran up the five flights of stairs he had to to get to the right door. He opened the door and slammed it loudly. Seeing that all four of the members of group 47 were present, he yelled, "Wake Up! Tetra speaks again. Terrance is already heading to the safe house. Don't waste any time. get up!" Terrance walked past a few more soldiers before entering a more deserted looking building. He wasn't in the building for more than three seconds before the same boy came up to him. "What up T-Man, how you be doing," he said raising his hand when he spoke. "Andy... you already know why I am here," Terrance replied climbing up the stairs, Andy right on his heels, "have you been out today?" "Naw man," Andy replied, "Tetra came by earlier this morning dropped off a box." Andy opened the second door on their right, "she told me to leave it shut. Your eyes only." Terrance stepped over to the box and opened it. There was a manifest on top of one of the bags. "Manifest: Bag One- Supplements, Roxy Bag Two- Shotgun Ammunition, Miguel Bag Three- 9mm Ammunition, Charlotte Bag Four- Rifle Ammunition, Goblin" "Christ man... that's a shit ton of ammo. What are they going to do, attack the airport," Terrance mumbled to himself, looking at his watch, "they should be here any second." He walked over to the couch that was placed in the corner. He pulled up the cushion and removed his bag. He also grabbed the ancient map of Boston that they always kept around for easy navigation. With Andy's help, they spread it across the wall.