[b]ON HOLD ... I started this mostly for AntoniaT, but she has just informed me she has to take some time off. And no one else has shown interest. So ... I am putting it on hold until she comes back. Post from [url=http://www.roleplayerguild.com/posts/3517997]Mark Thomas[/url][/b] [b]2016:[/b] A genetically re-engineered measles virus, originally created as a cure for cancer, goes into human testing. [b]2017:[/b] Preliminary results are spectacular. FDA approval results in worldwide distribution of the "cure". [b]2018: [/b] [list] [*]The "cure" mutates within the immunized, becoming a lethal, highly contagious virus. [*]The new virus comes to be called "Rabies 2.0" because, after it kills 90% of those immunized, the remaining 10% turn into predatory cannibals. [*]The Press comes to call these mutated survivors "Darkseekers" because sunshine -- specifically the ultraviolet light in it -- causes them intense pain and, with long enough exposure, can kill them. [*]And the illness quickly spreading across almost the whole of the planet comes to be called the "Darkseeker Plague". [/list] [b]9 April 2018, 8pm:[/b] The Darkseeker Plague reaches Portland, Oregon (the center point of our story). >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Henry's Tavern and Brewery, ([url=https://www.google.com/maps/@45.5229417,-122.6832167,3a,75y,50.17h,98.95t/data=!3m6!1e1!3m4!1sdRhJ703RVm_vW4-8iT2fGw!2e0!7i13312!8i6656]Google Map link[/url]) NW 12th and W Burnside, Portland, Oregon As the sun falls behind the West Hills that loom over the downtown area, Mark Thomas looks down on the streets below from the southwest corner of "Henry's Tavern". As owner/operator of the brewery, Mark had shut up the popular drinking and eating establishment even before the first cases of infection were announced. With no family in the area, he offered refuge to those employees and friends who didn't feel safe out there in the world. Most wanted to be with their families; and others simply wanted to away from the city; but 9 people did stay in the Tavern with Mark: [list] [*][url=http://www.roleplayerguild.com/posts/3518033]Mimi Bryce[/url]: Mark's friend; "Henry's waitress; PSU student. [*](To be named here as the position is filled). [*](To be named here as the position is filled). [*](To be named here as the position is filled). [*](To be named here as the position is filled). [*](To be named here as the position is filled). [*](To be named here as the position is filled). [*](To be named here as the position is filled). [*](To be named here as the position is filled). [/list] >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> [b]To Join:[/b] [list] [*]PM me. Please, do not post your interest in the three threads here (IC, OOC, Characters). [*]We will discuss the role play's direction and your character's involvement. [*]Don't worry about being in a hurry to join. We only have 2 members at this point, and we are in no hurry. [/list]