[h2]Rise of the Rebellion[/h2] The year is 2238. America is at war with itself for the second time in our history. Looking back, nobody can quite believe we ended up here, like this. What we do know is that around the year 2016, the American government started to rapidly evolve into a corrupt and finely tuned machine. The Regime was slowly but surely built by a government, long since compromised, over the span of decades. The Regime. A deadly combination of uninformed citizens and greed driven leaders. American citizens were essentially unaware of just how much danger they had put themselves in by letting their leaders gradually take their liberties. Bit by bit, the controlling families and corporations of America finally enacted a plan of total control over the population, a plan that had been set into motion decades before. Most believe the assassination of president John F. Kennedy was the starting point of the corruption. The moment in time when the seed of control was planted into the minds of those with power. Spreading its roots into like minded peers, the idea of control was simply that those with power could manipulate their way through the future, together, and determine what happened as they saw fit. They became so artfully skilled at keeping up their facade to the American populous that they struck out bolder and bolder as the years went by, herding their sheep with grace. First it was simple things, but it snowballed into what we see now. A dictatorship. The Regime is what they call themselves. They rule America with absolute power. They control everything from our economy to our military, even our pokemon. They have confiscated all pokeballs, they control all pokemon gyms and hospitals, they have their hand in every part of our lives. They have started a registry of all who oppose them, and send the non confromers to their labor camps. Only those inside the Regime know the details of their power but they have developed a force of pokemon that is hundreds of thousands strong. Artificial creation in labs as well as a mind control device of some kind is almost certainly the culprits. The Regime believes pokemon are tools, slaves even, and nothing more. They treat them harsher than words can describe. The only glimmer of hope in times like these are those who refuse to play by the rules of The Regime. Those of us who refuse to be controlled. We believe pokemon are here as friends and companions, as family members and allies. We are The Rebellion. We are horribly outnumbered. We have little to no leadership or resources, and we have no real plan. What we do have is hope. Hope that we can one day take back our beloved country, and put and end to The Regime.