- Oliver - he floated down the hall silently, the larger teacher padding along behind him. he had no real idea where Maria was but figured heading for the assembly was a reasonable plan, though he'd have to be careful not to take too long, he could always feel a bit of strain on his soul from being away, but he'd been gone for far longer and been fine so he wasn't about to mention it. [b]"So what's Maria got up her sleeve this time, anyway?"[/b] Oliver smiled and chuckled. [color=6ecff6]"oh you'll see, she has big plans this time"[/color] he said, [color=6ecff6]"we're heading for the assembly now, i'm sure she'll meet us there"[/color] - Andromeda - she smiled at Kathy but was silent as she listened to Crash say [b]"So judging by the looks of it, it's probably only a minor sprain...how painful is it? Can you weight bear at all? I'm going to have to touch it to bandage it but tell me if it's too painful...and sorry but we've got to elevate it"[/b] then he said [b]"If you sit back on the bed a bit and just place your foot on this pillow"[/b] she glanced down [color=39b54a]"it's hard to put any weight on it, but not impossible, and it is kinda sensitive but i don't think bandaging it will hurt that much"[/color] then she did as she was told and shifted back. she kept glancing at Eric, waiting for his answer. finally, he spoke [b]"I-I'll stay..."[/b] she exhaled and smiled, then muttered [color=39b54a]"thanks"[/color] with a bit of a blush. then Crash started bandaging her ankle and she held back whimpers and cries because it really hurt but she didn't want them to know that. [b]“I’ll let the two of you know if you miss anything important at the assembly. Although, ah… I guess you wouldn’t know where to find me…”[/b] Andromeda giggled again and Kathy said [b]“I’ll stop by the infirmary tomorrow and hopefully we’ll run into each other. If we don’t, I’ll leave a note or let Lily know to tell you what the assembly was about… She would probably remember it better than me anyway.”[/b] Andromeda laughed at that and smiled [color=39b54a]"that sounds like a plan"[/color] she said [color=39b54a]"i have to come back anyway, so thanks"[/color] then they started talking about going so she looked at Eric and smiled again, with a light blush on her cheeks. he asked if she was ready and she nodded [color=39b54a]"yeah"[/color] she twisted to slide her legs off the bed and started standing. she managed not to fall over. [color=39b54a]"my room's on the second floor, near where I fell onto Ryuu" [/color]