Name: Caroline McArthur Age: 16 Gender: Female Country of Origin: Elianst House: House McArthur is a noble house well known for experimenting with magic, giving Elianst yet another advantage in the previous war by providing new weapons. Members of the McArthur house can be identified by their thirst for knowledge and inquisitive nature almost as much as by their coat of arms. Magical Affinity: Special Air Appearance/Description: [hider=picture] [img][/img] [/hider] Description of their familiar: Spark does not resemble any kind of animal or creature, but instead is simply a sphere of electricity. when he thinks, he starts shedding excess electricity. Biography/History: For the first ten years of her life, Caroline showed no aptitude for magic, which distressed her parents and their relatives. Never in the long history of the family had a McArthur been born without magic. Then, at the age of ten, Caroline was given an ancient locket that had belonged to the first woman of the McArthur house, Suzanne McArthur. As soon as her fingers closed around the chain, her eyes widened and she asked "You would trust me with something this important?" When asked what she meant, she looked at her parents disbelievingly. "This belonged to Suzie McArthur. Even after all these years it remembers her." After many tests, it was discovered that Caroline did indeed have magic. She could 'talk' to objects that were valued by their owner. This discovery was followed by much debate, and it was finally decided that the mutation of her magic must have been a hereditary response from generations of magical experiments, some of which the McArthurs preformed on themselves. Quirks: Caroline is highly proud of her heritage, and will take any off color remark about Elianst or the McArthur family as a personal insult.