[hider=Lindsay Johnson][center][h1][color=Goldenrod]Lindsay Johnson[/color][/h1] [color=Goldenrod][i]Game Programming[/i][/color][hr][hr][img]http://media.tumblr.com/1bebc1667a6fcd5795472b451910c795/tumblr_inline_mxeq8zMy4M1steint.gif[/img] "[color=Goldenrod]Get Pwned suckers![/color]"[hr][hr] [/center][center][h3][color=Goldenrod]For the Record[/color][/h3] [img]http://cdn.cinemur.fr/persons/media/original/johanna-braddy_23461_52558593b5c70.jpg[/img][/center] [color=Goldenrod]║ Name ║[/color] [indent]Lindsay Ray Johnson[/indent] [color=Goldenrod]║ Acceptable Nicknames ║[/color] [indent]Lemon[/indent] [color=Goldenrod]║ Birthday & Age ║[/color] [indent]May 17. 19.[/indent] [color=Goldenrod]║ Gender & Sexual Orientation ║[/color] [indent]Female, Straight[/indent] [color=Goldenrod]║ Other Labels ║[/color] [indent]Gamer Chick, Geek, hipster, She has Panic Disorder.[/indent] [color=Goldenrod]║ Occupation ║[/color] [indent]She's a YouTube commentator.[/indent] [color=Goldenrod]║ Appearance ║[/color] [indent]She has blonde hair that is usually in a ponytail. Green eyes and she is 5'10". She has a very trim figure and has a tiny bit of muscle in her arms.[/indent] [hr][hr][center][img]http://img.poptower.com/pic-131324/johanna-braddy.jpg?d=600[/img] [url=link]"Some Lyrics to Theme Song"[/url][/center][hr][hr][center][h3][color=Goldenrod]At First Glance[/color][/h3][/center] [color=Goldenrod]║ Personality ║[/color] [indent][color=Goldenrod]The Positive:[/color] [list] [*] Extreme Optimist [*] Hyper Friendly [*] Super Competitive [/list][/indent] [indent][color=Goldenrod]The Negative:[/color] [list] [*] Gets angered easily [*] Slightly Gullible [*] Loves to tease people [/list][/indent] [indent][color=Goldenrod]What You See:[/color] Some geek gamer girl. She waste to much time in her room playing those games. She should be more like her brother. She does seem to be very passionate about things. It would do her good to talk to others she doesn't know.[/indent] [indent][color=Goldenrod]What I Know:[/color] Gaming has always been an escape for me. Whenever I feel sad, mad, or hurt I could just pick up a game and feel better. I'm kinda scared to leave my room in case I have another panic attack. It freaks me out. My brother is super out-going. I hang out with him and his friends mostly. When I have my cross-hairs on something I will get it done. I don't want to risk talking to new people because I don't want to have an attack and they think I'm just some loser who can't control her emotions.[/indent] [hr][hr][center][img]https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/736x/c5/a7/5a/c5a75a795ac8a50ecd244557af1c4428.jpg[/img][/center] [center]"[color=Goldenrod]Some people say video games rot your brain, but I think they work different muscles that maybe you don't normally use.[/color]" - [color=lightgray]Ezra Koenig[/color][/center][hr][hr][center][h3][color=Goldenrod]Off the Record[/color][/h3][/center] [color=Goldenrod]║ My Dreams ║[/color] [indent]I want to show the world gaming is something good. Not just something that causes kids to act out. Because it doesn't. I will show the world gaming is not something to be scared of.[/indent] [color=Goldenrod]║ Fears ║[/color] [indent][list] [*] Having a Panic Attack. [*] Androphobia as in being touched by a male. [*] Agraphobia [*] Methyphobia [/list][/indent] [color=Goldenrod]║ Likes ║[/color] [indent][list] [*] Games [*] Traveling [*] People who take the time to understand [/list][/indent] [color=Goldenrod]║ Dislikes ║[/color] [indent][list] [*] Judgmental People [*] The Unknown [*] Being alone for to long [/list][/indent] [color=Goldenrod]║ Brief History ║[/color] [indent]She had a fairly normal early childhood. Her brother was a musical prodigy so she was often compared to him, but she actually liked being compared to him. Her parents were very poor and hoped that their children could pull themselves up to a higher level despite how poor they had been. Unfortunately the father had gotten fired for something that he didn't do and he started drinking. Heavily. He beat his wife and Lindsay's brother and would sexually abuse her and her mother. One night the father went to far and accidentally killed the mother. He was arrested and Lindsay and her brother were put into the custody of their grandparents. This is when Lindsay started having Panic Attacks. Due to her attacks her grandparents had her home schooled. She became a recluse and spent a large amount of her time playing video games because the stories and characters made her feel like she could do anything. Even beat her fears and attacks. However, due to the public's view on gaming as a detriment to the youth, Lindsay's grandparent's became concerned. They almost took away all of her game equipment until she and her brother convinced them that gaming wasn't like what the public thought it was. All of this still made Lindsay upset that many misunderstood the thing that help her through some of her hard times. Her brother gave the brilliant, a rare occasion for him to be brilliant, advice that she do something to show them otherwise. So Lindsay, when she wasn't doing her schooling or recording for YouTube, took the time to study the different ways to make video games. She had a really difficult time at first with the coding, but the design aspect was amazing. Since she couldn't draw to well, she used what she could to make intricate looking scenes and oddly blocky characters which added to the appeal. Her games had excellent soundtracks because her brother did those for her. Unfortunately, the first few games fell flat. She started to become discouraged in her endeavor until one of her subscribers commented that the story of one of her games had touched him on a deeper level. Starting with that one comment many of her fans expressed their love of her stories and characters. When saw these comments it encouraged her to stick with it. She sent one of her games into a competition being ran by a professional game developer. She didn't win, but the host of the competition gave tips and pointers to the top five games. She had been fourth place. She took the advice and implemented it into her games and started getting better. Two years layer and her brother, whose name is Oliver, has been at The Mortimer School of Arts for a year for Classical music and Lindsay has come to the school a year after to get better at creating games. She still has the occasional panic attack but it is not as bad as it use to be. She is super excited to be a part of the school. She is still compared to Oliver at times, but she doesn't like it as much now. Mainly it is because they compare the two's mediums rather than their individual skill in the said areas. She wants everyone to see gaming the same way she sees it, but as long as they compare it to Ollie's music it is going to be an uphill battle for her.[/indent] [hr][hr][center][img]http://vignette3.wikia.nocookie.net/vghs/images/3/3c/JennyM.png/revision/latest?cb=20141108234911[/img][/center][hr][hr][center][h3][color=Goldenrod]Academics[/color][/h3][/center] [color=Goldenrod]║ Area of Study ║[/color] [indent]Game Programming and Game Design(Double Major)[/indent] [color=Goldenrod]║ About My Audition ║[/color] [indent]She sent in a recording of her doing a live stream where she created twenty-five five minute games for a game jam. All games were pretty well done for what they were. Bugs were minimal and there weren't many issues with the coding. The graphics were alright and audio was done well. When they had some people play through the games, the majority said that all the games had one big story, but some got different stories than the others. During her interview they addressed this. Lindsay told them that she didn't create the games with one story in mind. She created them so that depending which order they were played in one would get their own story.[/indent] [color=Goldenrod]║ Year ║[/color] [indent]First Year.[/indent] [color=Goldenrod]║ Living Arrangement ║[/color] [indent]Callaway Hall, 4A[/indent] [color=Goldenrod]║ Extra information ║[/color] [indent]I'll do this when I think of something.[/indent] [/hider]