[center][color=f49ac2][h3]Pippa Montgomery [/h3][/color] [color=f49ac2]Location:[/color] Callaway Hall, 4A [color=f49ac2] Interacting with:[/color] Carmina [@Viciousmarrow], (Selassie [@princesstee], Lindsay[@alexfangtalon] ) [hr][hr][img]http://az616578.vo.msecnd.net/files/2016/03/12/635933796116605649-792910459_b.png [/img][hr][hr][/center] [i]The morning of 9/6/2016[/i] Pippa’s heels had clicked up the stone steps with vigor as she walked to student services, ignoring the confused first years surrounding her. She walked with purpose and pride that she had perfected and leaned on in her time of need. Her purse beat on her upper thigh as she finished the steps and marched into the old brownstone building holding several frazzled looking students, sweating from nerves and the move as they spoke with administrators regarding their rooms. She tapped her foot slowly until the next woman was available, walking up to the window with a stern smile. “Can I help you?” The woman sounded as though she highly doubted anything was worth her time, and Pippa placed her purse on the counter with a small thud before speaking. [color=f49ac2]“Yes. Yes I hope so. You see there has been a mistake. A mistake with my room I should say. I’ve been put in Callaway Hall…oh what room. 4A? And it says I have roommates.” [/color] “Yes, you are in a Quintet. NEXT.” [color=f49ac2]“What?”[/color] Pippa forced her face back in the woman’s view as she looked over Pippa’s small frame, catching the woman’s eye. [color=f49ac2]“What, I’m sorry. I must have misheard you. Did you say a Quintet? As in five? You mean five of us, living in the same room? Are you telling me that’s a real thing?”[/color] The woman looked at her blankly, although Pippa could sense a small smile threatening her lips. Yes, she could hear the woman now in her mind, mocking her. Five? Good lord, I didn’t get in here for my math skills. She pursed her lips against the imagined comment, [color=f49ac2]“No, I’m sorry. You see I asked for a single. I don’t…I paid for a single.”[/color] “I’m sure you will get your deposit back for your single, but that’s financial aid office. NEXT.” Pippa opened her mouth to speak but felt the hot breath of another student behind her, pushing for her spot at the window, a disgruntled parent with them and holding an overstuff bag if their child’s crap. Pippa nodded curtly to the woman across from her and left the office. She pulled out her blackberry smartphone, her fingers gliding over the keys with grace as she sent a text to her father. The man had threatened her with such a thing, suggesting she ‘make friends’ and try to ‘be social.’ She had not taken him seriously until she had arrived that morning, and her mind raced with where she would place her large collection of clothes an shoes when she was forced to share a space with four other women. [hr][i]Around 1pm that day[/i] She walked the short route from the coffee shop she had found near campus back to her dorm, considering the situation her father had put her in. She wore her simple [url=https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/236x/3e/40/ce/3e40ce2506ef80333a30b18af51631df.jpg] floral tank top with matching grey skirt [/url] she had worn to move in, with her favorite black heels for luck. Not that it had helped. Her father had indeed called and canceled her claim on a single bedroom months before, betting on her own belief that he would pay for everything not to check on the rooming. Pippa had been wrong to assume their slowly healing relationship was strong enough to go past the years of hardwiring lying that ran in their family. She took a sip of her iced coffee and stared at her blackberry as she walked past students starting to come out of their rooms after unpacking. Her own belongings sat waiting for her in her own room, well…her 1/5th of a room. She had needed a break from the frustration of figuring out where her clothes would go, instead throwing them in a pile on her bed, a bottom bunk. She would have preferred a loft bed for privacy, but she knew herself well enough to know a ladder plus her history of drinking was a poor choice for a dancer who couldn’t afford to break anything. Pippa scrolled through her text from her father, willing him to text her back and knowing he would not. Her own sharp temper had flared and caused him to retreat, leaving her to own devices. She took a giant sip of her coffee as she walked into her dorm room, looking up started as she heard the Spanish music hitting her ears. [color=f49ac2]“Wha...”[/color] Pippa’s head whipped to one side, noticing a small brunette finishing dressing, singing along to the music. She took another sip from her coffee and smiled as the girl finished and looked up. It was a different one than she had run into earlier when she had first arrived. For the life of her she couldn’t remember that ones name, if they had even spoke it in the rush to unpack and lay claims to a bed. She was certain this was one new. She would have remembered the lively expression and Spanish vibe. [color=f49ac2]“Hello, it looks like the two of us will be roomies. I would have gotten you a coffee…but I didn’t know what you would want. Or how many of you would be here.”[/color] She tipped the half empty plastic cup as greeting, feeling awkward as she walked over to her bed, the four piles she had organized looking back at her.