[hr][hr][center][img]http://i.imgur.com/WQzsvwp.png[/img] [sub][i][b]“God grant me the courage not to give up what I think is right, even though I think it is hopeless.”[/b][/i] C H E S T E R N I M I T Z[/sub][/center] [hr][hr][center][color=gold][sub][b]B R O T H E R H O O D[/b][/sub][/color][/center] [b]C O A S T C I T Y - U N I T E D S T A T E S[/b] [INDENT]It had been a few hours since she made her phone call to Jessica Drew, the superhero known as Spider-Woman and an agent of the federal agency called SHIELD. A few thoughts had circled Carol’s head since such as the fact that it probably would’ve been faster if she went to Jessica and not the other way around. But then again her passing over Metropolis probably would’ve gotten her involved in some superhero crisis or called in to Justice League headquarters for “essential” training or some other waste of her time. The wait was [i]terrible[/i] but at least she didn’t have much for distractions outside of stopping the occasional street thief or two. Which, as far as Carol was concerned was a civic duty that was greatly appreciated— at least that’s what the old shopkeeper told her when she apprehended the two crooks some fifteen minutes or so ago. Looking over the old stadium parking lot, Carol took a light breath. Whoever was leading the Brotherhood in Magneto’s absence had coordinated them well-enough and she truly wished she knew who it was exactly that was being what she referred to as “asshole terrorism[sup]TM[/sup]” – between groups like the Purifiers and other outliers, a mutant version of HYDRA wasn’t exactly something Carol or the world specifically needed. The law was stupid and a lot of mutants were hurt by hate-mongering zealots but that wasn’t a reason to justify the hate and fear. Not to mention, how were people so angry and scared about mutants when superheroes like herself and Superman were not too far from the mutant race. What exactly made them different? How they got their powers? Their acceptance by big government? The fact they weren’t scared children? She ran her right hand through her blonde hair. The world was [i]insane.[/i] [color=AE322D][b]“No wonder you need my help, if you’re waiting for the Coast City Sharks to be… you know… [i]not terrible[/i]. What’s next, thinking the Philadelphia 76ers are going to win the championship? You've become delusional in your old age, Carol.”[/b][/color] Carol snapped back to reality turning to the source of the voice behind her. [center][img]http://www.fandompost.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/07/Spider-Woman-Issue-9-Header.jpg[/img][/center] [color=gold][b]“Gee, I thought I'd be moping for at least another hour. Did SHIELD upgrade the quinjets? or do we have fancy teleportation technology now? Nah, that's ridiculous. This is the real world, not Star Trek.”[/b][/color] Jessica rolled her eyes, [color=AE322D][b]“Yeah, definitely. You’d be amazed how inexpensive and [i]fast[/i] it is to travel with the “new & improved” SHIELD resources. No in-flight movie though, so you take the good with the bad.”[/b][/color] Carol laughed as she turned fully around to face the SHIELD agent and superheroine. [color=AE322D][b]“Anyway, I have one [i]condition[/i] with the information you wanted. I want to help you. Hands on. Like old times.”[/b][/color] A large smirk grew on Carol’s face. She hadn’t done a mission with the [i]legendary[/i] Jessica Drew since before she joined the Justice League and took her time off from SHIELD. In more than one way, she missed it. So, the opportunity to kick mutant ass with the spider-themed federal operative was too good to pass up – and it wasn’t like there was any reason for Carol to say no. Jessica had been a trusted friend and fellow costumed superhero for years now, so there was nothing that suggested it being a bad idea. Well, outside of Jessica getting chewed out by Carol’s other former SHIELD cohort, Abigail Brand. But that was going to happen anyway for Jessica talking to Carol about “SHIELD sensitive” information without any care for procedure. [color=gold][b]“How can I say no? You’ve got me stuck in a web.”[/b][/color] She smirked. [color=AE322D][b]“Ha ha ha. You are so not funny.”[/b][/color] [color=gold][b]“I'm a regular [i]marvel[/i] of comedy.”[/b][/color] Jessica shook her head, [color=AE322D][b]“I will literally pay you money to not make that joke again for all of eternity.”[/b][/color] [color=gold][b]“Which one?”[/b][/color] [color=AE322D][b]“Both of them.”[/b][/color] Carol laughed. [color=gold][b]“Right, anyway what kind of information do we have here that you’re sharing? Anything specifically on the Brotherhood?”[/b][/color] Carol had a feeling the answer was going to be a disappointing “I don’t know”. She had been in SHIELD once upon a time so she knew how [i]elusive[/i] The Brotherhood of Mutants could be— but worst case scenario at least she’d have some information about mutant terrorism and maybe if they were lucky it’d end up being brotherhood nonsense. [color=AE322D][b]“The Brotherhood is hard to predict let alone stamp something concrete on, but we have a few leads on mutant terrorism. We have a few agents working on a few cases so let’s not go into that territory since I’d rather not have an awkward family reunion. Word is there is something going down in Star City, if you’re up for sticking in California and stirring up some trouble. If the lead runs dead we'll just jump to the next one until we get a good tug.”[/b][/color] Just like she thought— her SHIELD days didn’t betray her too much, it seemed. Still, if there was something stirring a city over and Jessica felt like there could be a lead there somewhere then it was worth taking a look; plus she enjoyed working with her best friend so that was another plus. Spider-Woman and Captain Marvel back at it again. She could see the headlines now. [color=gold][b]“California Dreamin'.”[/b][/color][/INDENT]