[hr][hr] [center][img]http://s8.postimg.org/r37k2n3b9/tumblr_o368unkl2u1svfe0so1_1280.png[/img][/center] [b]New Troy - Metropolis - United States - Midgard[/b] [hr][hr] Thor's flight had been brief this time, he felt himself be dragged through the air by Mjolnir's power before coming to a halt over the fray that was rapidly coming to an end. Thor hung in the air with his cape flowing behind him, he raised Mjolnir to the sky and immediately the skies themselves were covered by clouds. Thor began to descend slowly and, as he did so, he called upon the clouds to let loose a moderate rainfall. Thor's feet touched down lightly on the ground with the first drops of rain and he surveyed the battleground with a warrior's keen eye. Superman was standing, barely, to Thor's eyes the 'mighty' alien looked to be breaking out in a sweat and appeared under the influence of some illness even. Still, Thor nodded in appreciation, whatever was causing the alien's weakness the man was at least on his feet. Wonder Woman was [i]glorious[/i], Thor had never met the hero but had made it his business to learn about her. Claiming relationships with a pantheon just as prevalent on Midgard as Thor's own, Wonder Woman was clearly a fighter and, from the looks of her, she respected her lineage to a much greater extent than even Thor did. She was clearly no exile bearing arms and equipment of the make that she carried. Thor yearned to test himself against her, first on the battlefield and then in the bedroom. The Greek Gods were pampered and played like children, it would do the Amazon good to see what a real God was like. A moan from Corben brought Thor's attention to him, the mortal looked [i]wrong[/i]. Thor knew the humans experimented with new forms of technology each day but to see such a merging of man and machine made his gut clench in revulsion. A possible instinctive response to the 'radiation' that Lex had mentioned was emerging from the pathetic looking figure on his knees by the school bus. Thor was not worried about himself but was aware that such elements could prove fatal if left unattended and mortals were such fragile things he knew he needed to hurry. [color=FFA500][b]"Hold warrior!"[/b][/color] He called to Wonder Woman who looked prepared to continue her assault on Corben even as he lay there. [color=FFA500][b]"Thy opponent is vanquished, render him unto my Godly care and the matter will be closed."[/b][/color] Pointedly ignoring Superman, Thor strode towards Corben and placed himself between the fallen man and his would-be attacker. [color=FFA500][b]"Thy reputation is one of fairness and reason."[/b][/color] Thor kept his voice calm but firm as the rain beat down upon them all. [color=FFA500][b]"Sully it not with the blood of this creature."[/b][/color] As he spoke, Thor placed Mjolnir upon Corben's back and let go. The weight of the hammer sent Corben's body to the floor and pressed his face into the rubble; try as he might Corben could not shift the hammer even a fraction. The situation, as far as Thor saw it, was contained and his message was clear. [color=FFA500][b]"What say you?"[/b][/color]