On the first floor of the brothel Devin leaned against the railings, clad only in his trousers. He was curious about the loud noise and talking going on the ground floor, which was unusual for the brothel. Peering down he saw a sodden Snow, dragging another woman into the place. Devin whistled softly as she walked through the doors. She was a gorgeous brunette, and despite her sorry state she looked absolutely radiant compared to Snow. The woman appeared far too classy to be another addition to the ranks of companions they had, so she had to Guild-related business. "What's going on?" a woman's voice asked from behind. Devin half turned and slid his arm around her waist, pulling her towards the railings. She was a girl who didn't look a day older than twenty, and was in a further state of undress than Devin. "Just some noisy people moving in. You wouldn't know who she is, would you?" Devin said, still focused on the commotion downstairs. "Nope," she answered, tone disinterested. People went in and out all the time. She snaked an arm around Devin. "Let's go back in- I believe we were in the middle of something." "Give me a moment, sweetie. I think this might be important," he said softly, patting her on the head. He then raised his voice and shouted towards Snow, "Hey Snow! Who's the new girl?"