[h3][color=faeba2]Celty the Mawile[/color][/h3][b][Valiant Village - Central Plaza Bridge][/b] [b][@Noklu][/b] Slowly, Celty shook her head, wiping the tears from her matted fur. It took about a minute of attempting to regain her composure for her to actually do so. With the hyperventilating ceasing, Celty finally turned to look at Dylan with misty eyes. [color=faeba2]"...I... I know no one will hurt me. It's not [i]me[/i] that I'm..."[/color] With half her thoughts verbalized, the Mawile decided to end that particular line of conversation. Barely resting her head on her knee, Celty's gaze was upon the temporally displaced Mudkip. [color=faeba2]"You don't know anything. There may be some—many who might try to deceive you. Mystery Dungeons—while certainly not without their perks—are not safe. Do not trust anyone who wants to take you into one..."[/color] Shifting her gaze to Devon briefly, she let out a sigh before continuing, [color=faeba2]"...given he's seemingly in the same situation as you are, it's likely he's the only person you can trust. Everyone here seems nice. They might even [i]be[/i] nice... but EVERYONE... seems nice. [i]Especially[/i] if they wish to hurt you."[/color] Burying her head fully between her knees she continued speaking, though her voice would come across a bit muffled, [color=faeba2]"As long as you remain in this village, you should be safe. There are enough genuinely kind Pokémon here that no one would dare hurt you here."[/color] Bringing her head up again, it was evident that new tears were beginning to well up. [color=faeba2]"I... understand that since you have no memories, and that you are also young... you... probably want to explore. I... I can't stop you, but please... do not go alone. E-Even one other partner is not enough..."[/color] [@Light Lord][@Iatos][@Shiny Keldeo][@Polaris North]