Well... getting ambushed by a admittedly giant witch wasn't exactly high on Yuuka's list of things to expect from the day. The mage of course was surprised by the sudden hug from behind, although once she realized who it was at least she understood why. Kitty, well that's the name Yuuka managed to figure out. All things considered the intrusion into her personal space wasn't all that great, still the witch was pretty friendly about things, so Yuuka didn't mind [i]too[/i] much honestly. "Oh, uh, hi... Kitty? Right? That's what people call you, I think." The mage nodded back. "And this? Yeah, guess its interesting enough, although I'm mostly trying to pass the time, what about you?" Yuuka eyes were naturally drawn to that that cat which found a resting place on top of the witch's stereotypical hat. Yeah, that's probably partly why she got the nickname "Kitty" in the first place, huh.