[color=gray][b][u][center][h2]Vagrant[/h2][/center][/u][/b][/color] Looking at the PDA with what seemed to be disinterest, Ben pressed his finger against the screen, causing his cell door to open as he vaguely wondered if the PDA was wanting his prints for something. His clothes were the same tattered, homeless garb he'd been wearing when they'd thrown him in here, just a little bit cleaner. He didn't even bother to look back a the cell that had been his home for however long it had been, there was no personal effects he wanted to take or missed, just his mattress on the floor, the metal frame of his bed that he'd long since started using for exercise, a shower, sink and toilet taking up one corner and a pile of books in another. Apparently someone wanted to bust him out and "put a team together" or something, he didn't care. Ben just wanted to get back to Regency Tower and make sure his people were doing okay. If this was what it took, then so be it. He had a feeling that when he met the voice behind the PDA, he wouldn't like them though. They sounded too confident and cocky, like the kind of asshole who'd wear an expensive suit or elaborately tailored costume. The kind of person who paid people to tell others their shit didn't stink. What did he say? "Consider this your test to prove your worth as a Rogue to me?" Of all the things Ben cared about, proving himself to some disembodied voice ranked lower than punching himself in the face. Placing his hand against a nearby wall, Ben pushed with some force. Nothing. So whatever kept his strength locked away was still working. Leaning out and peeking around his cell door, he tried to get a guard count. He counted one before some girl with short red hair marched out of her cell and defiantly called out the robotic guard. "Fucking kids." Ben muttered. He weighed his options; Clearly the girl was here for something, but if she her abilities weren't working either, she'd be up shit creek. He could let her act as a distraction while he made his way to the air shaft, but Ben wasn't in the habit abandoning kids. "Shit..." He muttered, stepping out from his cell and facing the girl and the bot. "[b]HEY![/b]" [hr] [@Marik]