Heavy WIP [hider=Imperial Republic of Fuso] [center][h1][color=gold]|| [u]Imperial Republic of Fuso[/u] ||[/color][/h1][h2][i]"Meiyo to dentō kara no shinpo!"[/i][/h2][h3][sup] [url=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1mfQE3770EI]National Anthem: [i]Senbonzakura[/i][/url][/sup][/h3][hr][hr] [img]http://www.eu4wiki.com/images/f/fc/Japan.png[/img] [/center] [hr][hr] [h3][color=gold]Official Name:[/color][/h3] Most Divine Imperial Republic of Nippon [h3][color=gold]Common Names:[/color][/h3] Imperial Republic of Fuso, Fuso [h3][color=gold]Location:[/color][/h3] [hider=Basically Modern Japan] [img]http://oi66.tinypic.com/2d6krcm.jpg[/img] [/hider] [h3][color=gold]Government Type:[/color][/h3] Imperial Republic - Power is divided between the Emperor and the Imperial Senate. The Senate has elected representatives from all corners of Fuso and elects a Prime Minster who leads the Senate and has control over domestic affairs but is not commander in chief. It is the Emperor who wields the military power of Fuso; and while he technically only has power over the army, his influence grows into that of the Senate. The Emperor is chosen from the Royal Bloodline and is always chosen based on who is the oldest meaning that several Empresses have existed. Emperor/Empresses are expect to have multiple wives/husbands to provide them with suitable heirs to the throne, those who do not become heirs often end up as elected officials or military officials. [h3][color=gold]Head(s) of Government:[/color][/h3] His Holiness Emperor Shiatasu Shou [hider=My Hider] [img]http://vignette2.wikia.nocookie.net/dynastywarriors/images/a/a7/Caorui-rotk12.jpg.jpg/revision/latest?cb=20120524050718[/img] Taking the reins of the Imperial Republic after his mother fell ill and passed on, Shou's youthful energy and charisma make him very well received with the populace. His frequent public appearances and his casual natures resonate well with the people, however his fiercely defiant ways sometimes puts him at odds with the PM and the Senate. However, he knows when the time to defy and when the time is to comply are with the Senate. [/hider] Prime Minster Kazuhaga Niyoma [hider=My Hider] [img]http://www.99danji.com/upload/20112/2011022148492017.jpg[/img] A well versed scholar and former teacher, Niyoma is very highly respected within Fusan politics who has lead the charge on educational reforms as well as several attempts at accelerating the Imperial Republic's technology with varying degrees of success. However, has also does have soemthign of a hard streak for "what ever the cost" which has gained him a level of infamy attached to his name. [/hider] [h3][color=gold]Persons of Importance:(optional)[/color][/h3] Director Gendao Hikari [hider=My Hider] [img]http://vignette1.wikia.nocookie.net/evangelion/images/6/68/Gendo_(NGE).png/revision/latest?cb=20120713094911[/img] One of the most mysterious and enigmatic figures in Fuso, Director Tatsuya is the head of the Office of National Intelligence, otherwise known as ONI. He has gone to painstaking efforts to ensure there is very little information about him at all times with even the Emperor only having limited knowledge. His is in charge of all the secrets and black operations of the Imperial Republic both domestically and aboard; his large array of contact within the nation ensure that there is nothing he does not hear about. An extreme pragmatist, he almost represent everything people find suspicious about ONI. He has a single daughter named Gendao Inori of which has her own fair share of controversy. [/hider] Princess Hiatomi Shou [hider=My Hider] [img]http://www.ckarea.com/bbs/data/attachment/forum/201308/15/144428755it5te54i775ji.jpg[/img] The oldest of the Emperor's children and the next in line to the throne, she is something of a good natured, happy-go-lucky brat with her himedere game on point. Of course she tends to be lectured by her father on being nicer to people and being more thankful in life. [/hider] [h3][color=gold]Demographics:[/color][/h3] Humans - Fuso is largely human, however much of the human population is tainted by radiation and no longer a "pure human genome". This is evident that those born in Japan tend to develop and mature physically faster than children from other areas, sometimes creating high-school aged Shujinkos who look like they should be in middle-school or people in their 20's who looked to be in their teens. Japanese is still the largest race as one might expect, traces of other former Asian nations exist but in even smaller quantities than before the nukes. Shujinkō - Humans who have mutated enough DNA to warrant their own "race". Shujinkos can be seen as super humans in a way, often boasting greater speed, agility, strength and durability. Male Shujinkos also have an almost supernatural way of attracting females to their side. They are often seen as the "superior" humans by some, however many Shujinko do not see themselves to be something incredible enough to warrant being called "superior"; many just want to live normal lives. Nekomimi - One of the more mutated strains of human, Nekomimi is more of an umbrella term which covers those who have animal-like traits such as ears or tails. The most common of them is cat ears although there is a wide variety of other animals expressed. [h3][color=gold]Culture and Religion:[/color][/h3] The unified Japanese culture has changed little since days of the old world; there is still an emphasis on nature, perfection, hard work and beauty in the traditional sense. Pop culture has also not seen a great change since the days of the past, anime and manga enjoying a boom however as they are now seen as an integral part of the culture and in some places, the defining culture. Children still go to school wearing uniforms and then work their ass off to get into a good university to get a job, many people live in comfy apartments that reach for the sky (the government actually promotes people to live in them as it saves space) and life goes on. However, the greatest change (and difference) from the old Japan is the social attitude on sex and sexuality which has is signifcantly more liberal if you could call it that. There is little question that pre-war Japan was (in)famous for its lewd content, but they seem to be even more prevalent in modern times (Himiko the first Golden Sun Queen might actually be to blame for this as she was quite a deviant in her younger years). [h3][color=gold]Technology:[/color][/h3] In the old world, Japan was seen as a land of some of the greatest technological advancements on earth, especially in terms of robotics and electronics. Such talents have not gone to waste in the time since then with advancement policies being pushed since the reign of the first Empress of the Imperial Republic. Power plants have been reactivated, research labs powered up once more and factories churn their cogs and gears to the sound of machinery; the technological heart of Fuso beats once more as the Imperial Republic presses on to its "divine destiny" of progress in a bid to become the most technologically advanced nation on Earth. The ancient skill of Nippon steel folding has also been preserved, allowing for some terrifically sharp blades to be made. Nippon steel folded 10[sup]34[/sup] times motherfuckers, metal sharp as katana, go home western gaijin. [h3][color=gold]Economy:[/color][/h3] While they clearly show little interest in expanding territorially, they do expand quite heavily in trade and influence. Given that Japan was never one to have a great plethora of resources, they commonly trade with several other nations, the most notable of them is with the Greater Han Empire which, like ancient Japan, the Imperial Republic holds in a positive light. In a bid to reclaim its old world title, Fuso often exports various forms of technology ranging from electronics to mechanical components. There is also a very large entertainment industry through the myriad amount of manga and art which artists produce. And although there are black and white shows on television, colored animations is actually amongst Fuso most prized products; all hand drawn and be viewed simply by shining a light through the film. This has influenced the spread of merchandise based on both current and old world shows, animes and character. In a similar note, the adult entertainment industry is almost as equally as wide spread, well known and varied as its vanilla counterpart. The two combined create something of a tourism industry and cement Fuso's place as the top entertainment producer in the world. In terms of food, Fuso is actually semi-self sufficient through the use of Hyper-Rice and Hyper-Oats, pre-war genetically modified crops meant to give Fuso a stable food source in the increasingly unstable pre-war world. Such plants are grown on great floating platforms which can also hold housing and industry as they where originally made to solve another one of Japan's pre-war problems: space. It can be said that it is the combination of Hyper-Crops and the floating platform is what allows Fuso to continue its very defensive attitude. [h3][color=gold]History:[/color][/h3] When the bombs began to fall, the old Japanese government had tried its best to shelter its massive population, but losses where suffered. The land was purged of all those who failed to find safe hiding spots, but those who made it to shelter found themselves in the best that Japan's technology. Life was good, communications between shelters were constant, supplies were plentiful and living was comfortable. And then the ocean came. Since the times long ago, Japan's relation with the ocean was a finicky one; sometimes the ocean swept away all invaders who dared to try and invade its sacred soil, other times it came in like a monster, destroy all in its path. People used to use prayers and worship to try and calm the seas, then they built walls and tide control mechanisms but the nukes had damaged them so badly that they were unserviceable and failed to do their duty. The waves rushed in, damaging countless shelters and killing many but humans are sometimes too stubborn to die properly at the hands of mother nature. However, the damage had done a number on the shelters as many where no longer connected to each other and with each consecutive generation the unified Japanese culture also began to weaken as each shelter began to create its own identity. So when they began to walk out of their shelters, there was no more unified "Japanese" culture. As a result, Japan once again had fractured into dozens of tiny factions that grew into tribes, then into clans, then into kingdoms. The clans fought and destroyed each other in a bid for power until she came along, Himiko, the Golden Sun Queen. Her origins unknown, but Himiko claimed to be the sole surviving member of the old Japanese Imperial Army and had swiftly conquered all of the other clans, sometimes with sweet talk and diplomacy, other times with threats and war. Some say it was through her skill alone, some say it was supernatural, some suspect even more than that but no matter what people though, Himiko had done what was thought to be impossible. And as such she is revered as a Goddesses to this day with heir descendants still on the throne of Japan. Since then, Fuso has become what it is known today as the Imperial Republic, a system that some might say is a blending of old world systems. In order to solve the issue of a divided culture, Himiko had actually unified Japan under something the old Japan had been famous for: Anime. And while not isolationist like the Japan of olden times, they certainly prefer not to get involved in messy wars and the like, much more content to sit on whats left of their island and research away in trying to build a new future not just for them, but for everyone. [h3][color=gold]Military:[/color][/h3] Militarily, Fuso has adopted what can be called a "Swiss Doctrine"; heavy defenses and a small but well trained and equipped standing army supported by reserve militia. The coasts of Fuso are lined with coastal naval guns, AA guns and sea walls with boats making regular patrols along sections of the beach that are reserved for civilian enjoyment use. Perhaps on of the more questionable aspects of the Imperial Republic's military (at least to foreign eyes) is the use of "Hospitality Corps", units of mostly women who serve as chiefs, maids, nurses and sexual outlets for soldiers. The government assure that they all are well looked after and are paid well but ONI's recent interest in them has raise more than a few eyes domestically amongst all levels of society. [h3][sub]Infantry[/sub][/h3] The ground forces of the new Fuso is officially referred to as the "Imperial Republican Fusan Army" or "IRFA", sometimes given the pet names of "Irfa" (which also happens to be the name of its anime mascot). An interesting blend of modern and traditional, martial melee skills still hold high respect within its ranks with many carrying swords as a sign of prestige, achievement or honor. Infantry wise, the IRJA is divided between its two classes of "Kachi" and "Ashigaru", the former being the professional standing army and the latter being the reserve militia which backs them up. Both are drawn upon the civilian populace that once a child turns 12, they begin unofficial military training and at 16 start actual military training to become Ashigaru. Should they wish continue their military carrier, they become Kachi. Women are not excluded from military service in an almost sort of homage to Himiko and her personal retinue of female warriors. The "elites" of the army are divided into two semi-seperate entities, the Imperial Guard and the Republican Guard. The Republican Guard is what you would expect of a modern elite unit using some of the best equipement Fuso can offer. They specialize in all the things which Kachi cannot, basically being a mixture of Marines and Airborne units. The Imperial Guard on the other hand is a much more traditional unit that many might see as ceremonial at first given their emphasis on traditional melee-focused units. However, its well known that the Imperial Guard is undoubtedly better than the Republican Guard as they are chosen as the bodyguards of the Imperial Family. With many of them being Shujinkos, writing them off as simply a bunch of people in fancy armor is a very costly mistake as their zeal and skill are unmatched. [hider=Ashigaru] [img]http://vignette3.wikia.nocookie.net/valkyria/images/6/6e/Welkin_Gunther_Profile.png/revision/latest?cb=20110818231225[/img][img]http://img3.wikia.nocookie.net/__cb20110818231839/valkyria/images/3/34/VC_Alicia_Melchiott.png[/img] Male Uniform Female Uniform [/hider] [hider=Kachi] [img]http://www.gregbroadmore.com/img/imageloader/1236242901_Trenchlo.jpg[/img] [img]http://www.gregbroadmore.com/img/imageloader/1236243444_Chargefinlo.jpg[/img] [/hider] [hider=Imperial Guard] [img]https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/236x/7e/27/a0/7e27a09c4de2a6586f5f30c07a375071.jpg[/img] [/hider] [hider=Republican Guard] [img]https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/736x/26/f2/1c/26f21cd20d4897b727c3dbaea2f67cdb.jpg[/img] [/hider] [hider=Type 100 HMG] [img]http://www.gregbroadmore.com/img/imageloader/1236243303_gunnersfinlo.jpg[/img] [/hider] [h3][sub]Armor[/sub][/h3] In terms of armor, IRJA has a strange fixation on walker-type mechas, no doubt an influence from the anime culture which the Golden Sun Queen used to bind the clans into a unified culture. [hider=ACM 40-7] [img]https://lh3.googleusercontent.com/-vF65rfJdWKQ/VSJ-rgxrTkI/AAAAAAAAL7g/Iw5vCB2oOYg/w1600-h1200/ST-1_Walker.jpg[/img] [/hider] [h3][sub]Naval Forces[/sub][/h3] Offensively, the Imperial Republican Fusan Navy (IRFN) is a rather weak and under whelming force, consisting mostly of patrol boats and several types of armored convoy ships; the strongest ship that's in regular use can be compared to a heavy cruiser. All ships go under the prefix of TEO (The Emperor's/Empresses's Own). The common tactic of the IRFN is the "Unity Soul" tactic where ships are to swarm enemy ships with their mass numbers to make up for the low strength of each individual ship. While some might say that this is a foolish and suicidal move, IRJN sailors are experts at boarding and close quarters combat and the small ships they have are often difficult to hit at high speed, even more so in large numbers. Its not uncommon for the IRFN to commandeer enemy ships and use them even after the battle, in fact several ships currently in service were once pirate ships that have been highjacked by the IRJN. Many sailors are also former pirates and smugglers who've been enlisted into the IRFN's ranks as they know the sea better than any amount of training could do. Defensively, Fuso counts coastal defenses to be under the command of the IRFN and it is far more impressive and dangerous than the actual fleet itself. A complex system of bunkers, trenches, naval guns and AA positions run along much of the coast. The most prized of these are the Three Mountains, the three massive guns of the battleship Yamato from WW2 whose caliber remain unrivaled and can easily fuck up anyone's day. One is located in Tokyo Harbor, another in Nagasaki and the third located in Nagoya. The IRFN's mascot is named "Irfin" and the flagship of the fleet is the heavy carrier [i]Nihon Maru[/i], named after Toyotomi Hideyoshi's epic flagship during the Imajin War, which is almost a battleship in its own right. [h3][sub]Air Forces[/sub][/h3] [hider=My Hider] [img]http://rotr.swr-productions.com/news/iginterceptor.jpg[/img] [/hider] [hider=My Hider] [img]http://static.planetminecraft.com/files/resource_media/screenshot/1420/wtno-nazi-helicopter.jpg[/img] [/hider] [hider=Ki-43 Kankori Fighter] [IMG]http://i62.tinypic.com/2vwv52s.jpg[/IMG] Name: Hayabusa Ki-43 Kankori Fighter Type: Fighter Crew: 1 (Pilot) Length: 9.2 m Wingspan: 12.5 m Empty Weight: 1,450 kg Fuel Capacity: 570 L of Diesel in an internal tank Max Takeoff Weight: 1970 kg Powerplant: Blue Steel Saiitake twin-row sixteen-cylinder air-cooled radical engine (1560 Hp) Combat Speed: 643 km/h (400 mph) Max Operational Range: 3290 km Primary Armament: 4 x Type 108 Aircraft Machine Gun in the Wings (8x51mm, 650 rounds, 950 rpm) Secondary Armament: 2 x Type 97 Mk. 3 Aircraft Cannon in the Engine Cowling (20x77mm, 180 rounds, 620 rpm) Hardpoint Options: - 2 x 70 kg (154 lb) bombs with one on each wing - 1 x 818 kg (1803 lb) Type 42 Ariel Torpedo under the fuselage - 2 x 330 L drop tanks, one on each wing - 8 x 98mm General-Purpose Ground Strike Rockets, placed 4 on each wings (each rocket has a 34 kg Sakurite Charge) Main line air-superiority fighter, the Ki-43 Kankori is a beloved plane with many uses. Like many Fuso air planes, the Kankori is both a land based and sea based plane meaning and has high speed and maneuverability. However, it should be noted that they have weaker armor due to the fact much of it was stripped down to make the plane lighter, inadvertently making them vulnerable if not working in pairs or teams or if the pilot is unskilled. [/hider] [h3][color=gold]ONI:[/color][/h3] Standing for Office of National Intelligence, ONI is basically the Imperial Republic's CIA on drugs. Not only does it handle intelligence operations, it handles basically all the secret projects and things which are hidden from public eye included some very, very questionable deeds. They also tend to be the Emperor's/Empresses's choice of handling [i]discreet[/i] objectives as well as the most common type of support Fuso will send abroad, hence its nick name of the "Emperor's Shadow" or the "Emperor's Demons", fitting given their name. They routinely act of their own accord and are disdained as "the most dishonorable" part of Fuso. Their extreme pragmatism is only match by their seemingly limitless resources. Rumor persist that ONI actually controls the technology within the Imperial Republic and have actually far surpassed that of any other nation and just keeping it all under lock and keep. Others claim that they are trying to take control of power from the Emperor and the Senate, some even dare say they hope to even surpass the power of God. Such claims have been refuted as vivid conspiracy theories, but given what some of their [i]Ghosts[/i] use, they might be more than what they claim to be. [hider=Blackwatch Guard] [img]http://vignette3.wikia.nocookie.net/wolfenstein/images/3/3a/WtNO4.png/revision/latest?cb=20140526134045[/img] [/hider] [hider=Project Soul Armor] [img]http://www.ergreenman.com/studentpages/2011/steam_punk_samurai_by.bs.jpg[/img][img]https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/736x/7c/82/ec/7c82ecf753c1ce7740fac87d98da12be.jpg[/img] [/hider] [h3][color=gold]Other:[/color][/h3] The IRJ doesn't actively try to expand territorially into mainland Asia since they prefer not to piss off their next door neighbor, the Han, and that pre-war Japan had built several large, floating platforms and towns in the ocean to try and help solve space issues which has worked to great success so much so that the current government is trying to do the same. [/hider]