[center][h1][i][color=0054a6]Apollo[/color][/i][/h1][/center] Darkness. It had been his sole companion for so long now that he'd forgotten how much time he'd actually spent incarcerated. Not that it really mattered, these solitary moments had allowed Aster to think. It wasn't like he could do much else after all. At first he'd spent hours trying to figure a way out of his cell, but the face mask he had been forced to wear prevented him from seeing anything. Not only that, his captors had also plunged his cell into complete blackness. There wasn't a single photon of light in his vicinity. He could feel them usually but the sheer lack of light had made him feel cold at first, now he only felt numb. His movement had been restricted too, iron-wrought chains had been clasped around his wrists and ankles which only allowed him to move a few meters at best. Finally, due to the Intravenous Line that had been attached to his arm, which provided him with the necessary amounts of fluids, minerals, and other nutrients needed for him to survive, Aster had realized that he was to be denied all Human contact. It made sense to him, in a strange sort of way, for a man of his abilities. Just one photon of light under his control was enough to cause potential chaos. His only source of communication had been an automated audio message that would question him once a week on his well-being and log his response, no doubt for signs of mental deterioration. He had named the feminine voice Lisa; Her response protocols had only rejected the name at first but just as Aster had suspected, the program was similar to the rest of the facility. It learnt on its' own. Lisa had soon learnt to expect Aster's deviations from her pre-programmed questionnaire and it wasn't long before she was engaging in debates about life and death. Aster enjoyed the distraction for a time, but when he had begun talking about her programmers, Lisa reverted back to her original state; merely churning out her usual responses. That had been three weeks ago or there abouts; time meant nothing to Aster anymore. Lisa's questions had not come at all and he had feared she may never be allowed to talk to him again. It was evident that her programmers had prevented this after his debates had turned into an opportunity to gain information on his captors. Since then he'd been silent, not even speaking aloud to himself as he often did. It was only the faint crackle of the speaker that roused him from his self-imposed silence. [color=0054a6][b]"Lisa?"[/b][/color] He croaked, his head rising toward the ceiling where her voice usually came from. He heard the crackling sound once again, this time louder than before. [color=0054a6][b]"I know you're there Lisa."[/b][/color] Each word sounded strained, three weeks had been a long time not to speak. Aster cleared his throat, wincing a little at the pain of doing so. [color=0054a6][b]"Have you come to talk, or have they reduced to a simple program once again?"[/b][/color] A piercing beep was the only response he was given then there was nothing. Aster waited in silence once again. [color=00a99d][b]"Mr. Javian."[/b][/color] Came another voice, a distinctly male voice. He looked back up at the ceiling, despite the mask obstructing him from seeing anything. [color=0054a6][b]"And who might you be? Where's Lisa?"[/b][/color] He inquired, confusion showing in his voice. [color=00a99d][b]"It doesn't matter who I am, all that matters is you and your desire to leave this place."[/b][/color] Aster laughed at that. [color=0054a6][b]"Leave?"[/b][/color] He began, still chuckling somewhat. [color=0054a6][b]"Don't you think that if I could do that, I would have already?"[/b][/color] [color=00a99d][b]"Why do you think they're keeping you in solitary confinement, Mr. Javian?"[/b][/color] The voice sounded Human, but it was distorted somehow though Aster couldn't quite understand why. [color=00a99d][b]"On your own, you could never leave this place. But with my help..."[/b][/color] The voice stopped speaking suddenly. [color=0054a6][b]"Why would you help me? I don't know you."[/b][/color] Aster started to sound a little annoyed. [color=00a99d][b]"No, you do not know me, Mr. Javian. But I know of you and of your abilities. You see, a man of your talents could be very useful under my employ and I intend to do just that. A job, Mr. Javian, I am offering you a job."[/b][/color] [color=0054a6][b]"And if I refuse?"[/b][/color] Aster asked, somewhat defiantly. [color=00a99d][b]"Then you will rot here for the rest of your miserable life."[/b][/color] The voice responded coldly. [color=00a99d][b]"Which, might I add, won't be for much longer seeing as the prison is about to be flushed."[/b][/color] Aster said nothing at first, contemplating who exactly could require his help but the thought of drowning really didn't appeal to him. He had no choice but to accept. [color=0054a6][b]"Fine."[/b][/color] He said. [color=00a99d][b]"Excellent, although we no longer have much time. After I assist in your escape, you are to meet with a select few of your fellow prisoners. From there you will have to bypass the prison's security bots in order to gain access to a pressurized air shaft which will provide your means of escape whilst the prison goes into lock-down. After which you will be confronted by The WARDEN. It is a robot unlike any other and has more experience than all of you combined. Heed my warning, he is the only one with a lethal kill protocol so he [i]will[/i] kill you on sight. The best thing to do is to subdue him by taking the Energy Core from behind his chest plate. If you can get past his gadgets and skills, then your getaway will be waiting in the form of a boat at the edge of the top of the dome."[/b][/color] The speaker went silent and Aster waited with bated breath. Then came a piercing shrill which caused him to writhe in pain before a mild [i]bang![/i] ended it. The cell was silent once again but something had definitely changed. A wry grin spread across Aster's face as he felt the unmistakable warmth of [i]fire.[/i] As it dispersed amongst the circuitry within the ceiling, burning debris began to drop into the cell. The flames gradually growing as it was fueled by the oxygen being pumped into the room. Not only could Aster feel warmth, but he could also feel [i]light[/i]. It was alarming at first, having spent so long surrounded by nothing. But it soon began to feel familiar. And with familiarity came remembrance. He had no time to lose, if he lingered too long the smoke from the spreading fire would kill him. Aster lay flat on the floor of the cell and concentrated. He could feel the photons more clearly now, he was able to touch them, to mold them, to [i]control[/i] them. He wasted no time in creating three lances and quickly severed through the chains that bound him. The face mask was another story. It had been electronically clamped to his head. A vector would be needed for this. Re-molding one of his lances, he reformed it into a slim tendril and held out a hand to hold it. Then, reaching behind his head, he urged the vector into the small gaps where the circuits that kept the mask locked where held. Granting more light to the vector, it grew until the clasp let out an audible [i]pop![/i] denoting that the lock had been released. He reached for his mask and gingerly began to remove it. His vision was greeted with a burning sensation. The light from the fire. He had been starved of light for far too long. It took a few moments for the pain to ebb and each blink to hurt less. He stood up now, slowly, his eyesight still returning to him. After tearing the IV drip from his arm, a quick scan of the room showed him the door. His excitement grew rapidly, indicated by the lance he had quickly formed comprised of his earlier constructs as well as more light from the flames. With a wide grin on his face, he spoke out loud, [color=0054a6][b]"And the lord said..."[/b][/color] Before piercing the lance into the metal-clad door, roughly where the locking mechanism would be. The resulting [i]hiss[/i] of the room depressurizing, told Aster it was time to go. He made for the door, tearing it open with a hastily-made vector. He stepped out into a corridor, which had also been cast into complete darkness. The voice was right, there was no way he could have done this alone. As he decided upon going right, Aster stumbled slightly against the wall. His body had weakened during his time here and his powers would be more of a drain than usual after so long without practice. [color=0054a6][b]"Maybe I should return once I'm back to my full strength?"[/b][/color] He spoke to himself. Pressing on, he was eventually met by a set of steel bars. Aster glanced back, the fire had completely engulfed his cell by now. [color=0054a6][b]"More than enough."[/b][/color] He laughed before drawing upon the inferno to create three more lances to add to his vector. Whilst the lances sliced through the steel, he used the vector to pull the weakened bars away before walking through the now-cleared obstacle. He was greeted by another door at the end of the corridor, he could see light permeating through the gaps and could hear others beyond it. He decimated the door with his constructs then launched himself through, ready to attack who ever stood beyond it. Just as the voice had said, he was met by the sight of other escaped convicts as well as a security robot. He laughed maniacally at the scene. [color=0054a6][b]"Honey! I'm home!"[/b][/color] [hr] [@Hjalti][@Marik]