Safa smiled when reading the note and nodded. She then looked at the teacher again and started to pay attention to class. As this was the last week, most exams where done already and this last week was mostly more the students that needed to give the last papers. That history lesson, they watched the movie of Romeo and Juliet. Safa didn't pay much attention to the movie, she knew it already and so she was doodling a little on her tablet and already worked on some questions. She answered a email of her right hand, saying that five students would be enough, ten questions and that she had gotten the first student already. She looked up when she heard footsteps and smiled at Mr. Smith, she placed her tablet in her bag and then started watching the movie again. When he walked away she bit her lip and grinned some, she never was his favorite student and simply had a busy life! She looked at Kate again and when she looked back, she gave her BFF a bright and innocent smile.