[@RumikoOhara][@Always] [h1][color=MediumSlateBlue]Melanie Ariana Stryder[/color][/h1] [color=MediumSlateBlue]"Shouldn't be too difficult..."[/color] Melanie shrugged as Proffessor Belfree began to speak. She scrawled as many notes down onto her parchment as she could while he was explaining, and set it down once he seemed to have finished, and indicated that the rest of the lesson would be left for them to prepare their own draught of the blood restoration. She'd attempted to make this potion once before, at home in the summer of her fourth year. Of course, it had gone horribly wrong because she'd stirred it the wrong way and her mother had essentially made her throw the draught out. [color=MediumSlateBlue]"As long as I can remember which way to stir it, that is.[/color] she smirked, starting on her preparations of each of the ingredients while she glanced over her shoulder to check on her housemate. [color=MediumSlateBlue]"You alright back there, Alyssa?"[/color]