[center][color=#4F7942] "The flower doesn't dream of the bee. It blossoms and the bee comes."[/color] [img]https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/736x/01/99/c7/0199c7e845f912b75262c6a65972dec4.jpg[/img] [color=#4F7942][b]Name:[/b][/color] Fern Flora [color=#4F7942][b]Age:[/b][/color] 28 [color=#4F7942][b]Gender:[/b][/color] Female [color=#4F7942][b]Race:[/b][/color] Human [color=#4F7942][b]Appearance:[/b][/color] Fern stands at a height of 5'7 and weighs in at around 126 lbs, giving her an overall slim build with slight curves at the hips and an above average bust. She has long, waist length, dark green hair that has light streaks decorated about the long locks along with eyes that are a light yellow-green color. She dresses rather provocatively, covering herself with the bare minimum of clothes. She bears no armor, as she prefers to be able to move freely while fighting. Covering various parts of her body are white bandages that are not randomly placed, rather they are covering up scars that she keeps hidden from view. Mainly at her rib area as well as at her upper left arm are where these bandages can be found. Atop that, she wears a very shortly cropped bikini-like top with one arm covered in a full sleeve and the other covered from elbow to palm, leaving her back mostly exposed. Her bottoms consist of a pair of tight pants with cutouts at the hips and going down her leg to her calf. A red scarf covers the belt she wears to secure her weapon on her person as well as a pouch that holds small bullet-sized vials of dust. [color=#4F7942][b]Personality:[/b][/color] Upon first impressions, Fern comes across as a confident, sultry and flirtatious girl... which is moderately true. She's learned how to use her looks to get what she wants, and even when she's not trying to be flirty, she can come across as such anyway. She's very manipulative (are you surprised?) and can get upset when she doesn't get what she wants right away. She's quite stubborn and headstrong, passionate and caring, but she is by no means someone who you can open up to freely unless you want to be (lightheartedly) teased. Fern is by no means a pain to be around, and she's not evil or mean just for the fun of it. She's nice but has tendencies to be snarky, and will roll her eyes or pinch the bride of her nose when someone says something that gets on her nerves. Despite being a little rough around the edges, Fern is the kind of girl who can grow on you and eventually find quite charming. [color=#4F7942][b]History:[/b][/color] Fern was born on a small island between the kingdoms of Atlas and Vale, growing up in a small village where there was a constant battle against the Grimm for the land. Once thought to be a safe haven for a community, the island was inhabited by many people coming from both kingdoms to enjoy the tropical climate and calm lifestyle. What they didn't know that the miles of white sandy beaches and thick forests were home to a wide variety of Grimm. In order to claim the island as their own, many men and women and even children lost their lives to secure the place and establish a healthy lifestyle. Fern's parents were both killed during this time of struggle, while she herself managed to trick death over a dozen times. Being young, Fern didn't realize that it was her semblance that kept her alive all those years during the fighting. As a girl who was small and scared, she was able to easily manipulate the masses of people to protect her when the Grimm felt she was an easy snack. Every time she was in some kind of trouble, some poor unlucky soul would throw themselves in front of her just in time for her to run away. She grew up fearing the Grimm and hating herself for being the only one alive when everyone around her was dying... sacrificing themselves for her own sake. When she was around the age of 12, Fern snuck onto a ship that was travelling to Vale and lived there for a number of years. Soon upon her arrival she was taken in by the police after stealing food from a local shop, only to be taken in by the keeper who then would listen to her story and tell her about the Academy for Hunters and Huntresses. Fern was instantly determined to join this school and conquer her fear of Grimm, so when she was of the right age, she was accepted and began training to become a defender of the world. She trained hard, always until the point of exhaustion so that she didn't have to rely on anyone to protect her anymore. Eventually she learned about her semblance and how to control it, and she became a strong Huntress, getting into Beacon by the time she was 17. After having Graduated many years ago, she currently is a professional Huntress, getting money from jobs wherever she can.[/center]