[color=7bcdc8][h1]Wraith[/h1][/color] It took Wraith a minute to realise that she was being spoken to. She looked at Reaper, shaking her head. [color=7bcdc8]"No. The place was pretty much dead, nothing but rats. Whoever left that thing is long gone. Best case scenario, they don't come back today."[/color] she looked at the ground, a dark look crossing her face. [color=7bcdc8]"Worst case scenario, the dogs have run off to tell their master, and they're gonna come back with a few friends soon enough."[/color] Wraith's worries were only growing as time passed. The longer they took here, the longer they spent trying to help this kid, the more likely it seemed that someone could come knocking. She didn't feel like trying to take on some of the supers on Umbra's side. While she was confident in her abilities, taking on people like Lava King wasn't suited to her fighting style. She wasn't in the right state of mind to fight right now, anyway. She glanced over at Tank and the ghost kid, who seemed to be comforted by the big guy. Honestly, the kid's abilities were freaky. Not that any abilities were normal, exactly, but his creeped her out. If Umbra's minions burst in, she had to admit that part of her would consider leaving the kid behind. Sure, that would probably make her a bad person, but she hadn't asked to be caught up in a rescue mission. It wasn't her job to cover for others' mistakes. Or maybe it was. [color=7bcdc8]What did I sign up for?[/color] Anyway, Ditch finally seemed to be getting to the point, to Wraith's relief. Once she'd heard the old thing, she couldn't help but feel a little doubt about the idea of taking on whoever was working with Umbra. Mind control was tricky to deal with, and that was putting it lightly. It was also one of the few powers that she was actually afraid of. The idea of someone rooting around in her head made her skin crawl. She found herself with nothing to say. Well, almost nothing. She had plenty of things to say, but most of them would start up a confrontation which no-one needed right now. As Omega offered help to Ditch, Wraith just barely held her tongue. She'd slightly forgotten that her mask was off, and her expression was much easier to read than normal, and anyone that looked could probably see her irritation and slight anger at the whole stupid situation. Wraith sighed, walking over to her bag. She supposed that she should try to be useful, or make some kind of suggestion, but she felt like she'd do more harm than good by speaking right now. Eventually, though, she couldn't keep her mouth shut. [color=7bcdc8]"So, do we have some kind of plan? Or are we just gonna sit here playing babysitter and wait for whoever left that bracelet to turn up?"[/color] she said coldly. [color=7bcdc8]"I don't know about you guys, but I don't feel like staying here and wait for a bunch of mind controlled supers to beat my face in for the sake of some kid you found on the street."[/color] Perhaps she'd been a little harsh there with what she'd said. She couldn't help it - the ghost thing had left her feeling a little jumpy, which made her a bit more hostile than normal. Call it a coping mechanism. Besides, she felt like what she was saying was true for the most part, and someone had to point out the problems with recent events without being so emotionally attached to things. Might as well be her job, seeing as most of these guys were apparently way too sentimental. How some of them had even got into this line of work, she had no idea.