[quote=@Dirty Pretty Lies] [@Remipa Awesome] That I'm quite good at. ^ยท^ [@Melo] I made Lila be a chemist because that's the class that has given me the most difficulty during my college life. I had to take General Chem 2 twice and am currently on my 3rd try with Organic Chem 2 (and that's not including that I approved my Precalc 1 class after the third try)... So yeah. XD I get frustrated because I get top grades in my Biology classes, but the maths and chemistries have been the end of me. [/quote] haha xD It's actually quite different for me and economy. I graduated at the top of my class in economy in high school. (I had a beta profile with physics, chem and bio, with economy and business management as optional subjects. That made it even funnier xD) My high school teacher was rather sad that I didn't go for economy in uni xD Then I started life science business management courses this year... so I figured I'd make Jules an economy guy xD