[INDENT][CENTER][hr][hr][COLOR=SLATEGRAY][h1][b]Μ Δ Ψ H Σ Ш[/b][/h1][/COLOR][hr][hr][/CENTER][/INDENT] [INDENT][b][i][color=silver]Lil'Bermejo - The Grimoire[/color][/i][/b] [INDENT]The metallic ding of the bell echoed through the small shop as the teenager poked his head inside the door. Dust seemed to coat every surface of the quirky antiques store as the young man stepped into the shop, the wooden door closing behind him with a soft 'BANG'. Pacing the crowded aisles, the teenager ran his hand over lamps, chalices, and all manner of aged everyday items. Coming to a glass display case, he came to a stop as he looked up at the various weapons filling the case. Flintlock pistols, muskets, daggers, swords and axes. Each from an era before the other but none drew the young man's attention near as much as the broken hilt of a sword reminescent of those shown in Hollywood movies about ninjas and Samurai. [COLOR=SLATEGRAY]"[B]I see the Muramasa calls to you.[/B]"[/COLOR] The teenager jumped at the sound of man's voice as the shopkeeper appeared behind. Dressed in a fine suit with a blood red ascot puffed up beneath his chin, the man leaned on a dark wood can, he hands firmly clasped over the silver top. "I-" The young man started, tearing his eyes away from the broken sword. "I was actually looking for a birthday present for my Mom." [COLOR=SLATEGRAY]"[B]Oh well I have plenty o'those as well m'boy.[/B]"[/COLOR] The shopkeeper said extending a hand to motion for the boy to follow. [COLOR=SLATEGRAY]"[B]What exactly was it your mother was looking for? A new tea set? [/B]"[/COLOR] He paused to gesture towards a white set with a purple trim. [COLOR=SLATEGRAY]"[B]Perhaps an oil lamp?[/b]"[/COLOR] The shopkeeper suggested as he paused to hold up a gold lamp from ancient Persia. Shaking his head, the shopkeeper scolded himself as he put the lamp down and waved a finger towards the teenager. [COLOR=SLATEGRAY]"[B]Nay lad, I have just the thing.[/B]"[/COLOR] Walking back to the counter as he leaned on his cane, the shopkeeper opened the jewelry cabinent and held up a beautiful necklace. The teenager's jaw dropped as he gazed upon the numerous jewels imbedded in the necklace. "[I]Maaaaan[/I], I can't afford that. I only have forty bucks on me." The teenager said as he hung his head sheepishly. [COLOR=SLATEGRAY]"[B]Ah but if it would put a smile on yer dear mother's face then I'd be willing to let you have it for twenty m'boy.[/B]"[/COLOR] "Seriously?" The young man asked, his jaw hanging agap. [COLOR=SLATEGRAY]"[B]Truly m'boy. I am nothing if not a man of my word. Trust me, your mother will feel eternally young with this lovely piece around her neck.[/B]"[/COLOR] "Deal man!" The boy said extending a twenty in his hand. Reaching out, the shopkeeper took the teenager's hand and heartily shook it before pulling away with the money and handing the the young man the necklace. [COLOR=SLATEGRAY]"[B]We have an accord then.[/B]"[/COLOR] He stated as the ding of the cash register filled the shop, followed by the bell as the boy left. [COLOR=SLATEGRAY]"[B]Been wanting to be rid of Harmonia's Necklace for some time now.[/B]"[/COLOR] He muttered with a smile as he turned and walked into the shop's back room.[/INDENT][/INDENT]