Name: Sayuri Takashi Age: 18 Gender: Female Weapon/Abilities: Sayuri fights with either one or two swords. They look like a pair of simple guardless katanas. They are slightly longer to accommodate for her height. They have black blades with a dark blood edge and the hilts have red and black wrappings. They are bound to her through magic and can summon and dispel them instantly. They appear in flashes of red light. She is extremely skilled with her swords. Though she is primarily a dual wielder she usually fights with one sword unless she is being serious or going all out. She has a natural talent with magic learning it quickly. She knows all the basic elements fire, ice, lightning and wind. She also has darkness in her heart which she is fighting to keep under control. That grants her access to a few basic dark abilities. Appearance: She is tall at 5'11" with waist length red hair and unnerving blue eyes. She usually ewars it in a low thin ponytail but let's it down when serious. She wears black boots, black pants with a red flame design below the knees, a white sleeveless shirt, and white cloth bandages covering her palms and forearms. Personality: Sayuri is extremely laid back and carefree. She rarely takes things seriously. She does get angry easily however due to her training she's usually able to keep it under control. Bio: She was born on a now forgotten world during all out war. Her parents were killed in the crossfire orphaning her at the age 5. She lived on the street for a year before being noticed and taken by a wanderer. Her early sowed the seeds of darkness early. He raised and trained her along with his other pupil. They quickly became close friends. When she turned 12 they began moving worlds in order to expand their knowledge and very their training. Over the years they had several places of operation on several worlds. The most used of which were in Traverse Town and Hallow Bastion. One day while traveling a mostly peaceful world they were attacked by a powerful heartless. They fought back as hard as they could but it was too strong. In order to save his two students the wanderer created a portal for them to escape through sacrificing himself in the process. Though they made it back through they were stuck in Traverse Town due to not being able to open doorways. They lived there taking on odd jobs and practicing against smaller heartless to keep their skills as sharp as possible. Other: