He woke up, not to the sound of silence but the sound of circus music. Just where have they sailed to... Why is there circus music playing in the middle of the sea? He rubbed the weariness from his eyes and fastened his dual holsters, holding his pistols, to his waist and secured his katana to that holster belt as well. Grabbing a light, airy, coat from his pack, he draped it over his shoulders and walked away from where he had gone to rest the night before. The air was heavy with the scent of sweets and food. There was a fog, concealing anything that would need to be hidden. This naturally made him feel uncomfortable. Scanning his surroundings quickly, all he was able to discern was the noise coming from the kitchen. It seems their cook is whipping up something tasty once again. In his mind, he had the imagery of a fisherman, slicing sashimi and flicking his wrist while stirring a pot of liquid, perhaps some sort of sauce. That imagery was pure comedy to him. Walking into the kitchen, he greeted the chef with a [color=f26522]"Good morning."[/color] He then sat down, surprised about the fact that no one else has made it to the table yet. [color=f26522]"Looks like I get to taste it first..."[/color] He picked up a fork, plated himself a steak, two pancakes, a french toast, some of the sauce and readied himself for the food in front of him. [color=f26522]"Thanks for the breakfast."[/color] He said as he began eating. When the ship's doctor should show up, he would ask him [color=f26522]"Hey, so, I've been wondering. There are tons of nerves in the human, or living creature's, body, right? So, what if, I can hit them with such precision that I can control what I do to them? Like, I hit a nerve, they suffer the worst pain ever, or if I hit another nerve, utter euphoria. I mean, that would be pretty cool right? I was wondering if you can show me what each nerves does in the human body, like their corresponding reactions once triggered... Hitting them with precision isn't the issue, but knowing what they do is..."[/color] He said, [color=f26522]"Also, I was also thinking about making special, nonlethal bullets for my weapons...I wonder who would know how to do that for me...I mean, hitting a person's pain nerve by shooting straight through it is effective and all, but just not...not quite right...Ah....."[/color] He said, deep in thought... [@Infichi][@samreaper]