[center][h1]When the Angel got ready to shred[/h1][/center] Shiba sighed a little as he watched until he noticed that apparitions were surrounding them. The bride was able to transport the vulnurables out of here. The last thing Shiba wanted was to get innocent civilians involved in this. Shiba took a deep breath as he drank the last of his wine since Shiba only had two glasses he wasn't nearly at the point of becoming drunk. Shiba then set down his glass just as he heard someone call out that we needed to defend ourselves. Now Shiba was really comfortable, the sounds of attacks being fired off, the groans of people getting hurt. Now this reminded him of that job taking down a corrupted general on the battlefield oh sweet memories. Shiba soon saw a small group of apparitions trying to attack him. So Shiba soon got into his fighting stance. Right arm perpendicular to his face pointing forward left arm in a similar fashion straight forward. [color=green] now then, lets go[/color] Shiba called out to them as they all tried to charge him at once Shiba quickly charged one of them and pierced it with his fingertips or rather his claws. Shiba then pierced the next on that came close. When another came Shiba kicked them away getting his arms free from the first two bodies. He continued the process until he heard everyone duck from the bride so he quickly dropped to the ground as the purple energy sliced through anything it touched. Shiba was about to think that was to easy until saw some unique apparitions started to come after Shiba these ones were much smarter and it was getting harder to make the lethal blow so he had to actually put some effort into it. Soon he killed the ones that were after him but only a moment after did he feel his body begin to shake almost in fear. Shiba hasn't felt this afraid since he was a kid all those years ago but when he looked out the window he could easily see why. It was the world breaker, Shiba's fear was well founded a destroyer of world appearing in a wedding. Now this was going to get exciting, Shiba though as he opened his wings and got ready to join his fellow knights...