Cauliflower laid on the floor of his cold metalic like cell starring at its ceiling as if it was an endless space that went on for eons and stopped once his heart begin to beat louder from how endless and vast the space was upon his site. "Collins." He whispered as his eyes seemed to be locked on the ceiling. His facial expression more grim as if the lifeless housing that was as metallic as the floor disrespected him. "Does thy believe thee can mock such a creature of my caliber!" He shouted slamming his fist against the metallic flooring a brief noise echoing amongst his room. Of course his anger wasn't directed to the ceiling, but to the lifeless trash cans that walked the halls of the prison. His anger was for those so called heroes, no! Mankind it's self. Cauliflower gritted his teeth as his current situation taunted him more and more each day. Served slop by a garbage bin, forced to live in the conditions of a criminal for just actions. "Does the predator not act in it's own manner when it prays on it's pray!? Does the naked ape not be judge for the murder of a lesser, no weaker species! Why must thine actions be faced with consequences when I acted as a predator to it's pray!?" He shouted towards the sky still on his back. Even though his cell negates the use of his magical abilities he still has the basic senses at his use. The sound of lifeless and heavy footsteps whispered in Cauliflower's ears. He leaned up slowly as the footsteps became less distant and the clinking sound that was released from each step more louder than the last. "Tis quite a view to see the lesser serve the royal!" He shouted in laughter as the robot dropped his food tray within his cell and walked away unfazed by Cauliflower's psychotic-ness due to the lack of emotion. Cauliflower looked at his empty tray that only held an envelop. "Do thou believe thy is a jokester! Tell me thy joke so I can share in the giggle!" He grabbed onto the bars of his cell violently. Then there was a faint sound coming from within the envelope. Cauliflower opened the envelope and listened in on the voice that introduced itself from the small machine. "Tsk!" He briefly stated sliding the PDA away from him and near his bed. "A day to come where I and an angle as one will be the day of thine death!" He proudly shouted which is probably a basic way of how he speaks. Though he was proud to defy the words of the so called angle he wasn't prepared for the death threat at the end of the transmission and that quickly destroyed any signs of being to great to work with an angle. Without hesitation he rushed towards the PDA and repeatedly jabbed his thump on the button that agreed Mr. Sinister's offer. "Accept thee Damn it!" He shouted as it worked and part two of the transmission started. He exhaled heavily as he calmed down and listened carefully to the mans words. "Grand thine ass!" He pouted as he prepared himself for the escape. Once he heard the plans he was already staring at the elevator to make sure to get a good look at his target. Before he knew it his cell door opened and he was free. He stepped out inhaling heavily as he stretched and examined his environment. "I'm not the only mayhem raiser to be realsed from their imprisonment." Cauliflower decided to let the others take care of the robots and get to this boss level by himself. After all this angle guy wasn't really gonna believe a bunch of 'selfish' villains would work together if they were simply told so. Cauliflower attempted to break off into a sprint but was tackled instantly by a robot. Its heavy metallic body crushing Cauliflower for a second before it stood and held him in a head lock. "Thine powers aren't fully expired and will return soon, but that doesn't leave me weak for prepared for these altercations!" With a forceful forward flip the robot was flung in the air and onto it's back, the sudden force causing it to release it's grip on Cauliflower. He elbowed the robot greatly damaging its torso. A smirked gather on his face as he dodged the unfazed robot attempt to counter attack. It was now paralyzed from the waist down and unable to move as fast as before but was still somehow mobile. Its rushed Cauliflower but was caught by him as he held it within a tight head lock quickly snapping its neck. Sounds of failing electronic systems and fuses giving up or pumping electricity could be heard as the robot went limb. Cauliflower began to run but was stopped short by to more robot guards. It seems the so called guardian angles trails weren't gonna be as easy as Cauliflower thought.