Micky let out a disappointed sigh when he heard what Om had to say. On one hand, Micky understood why he was getting in trouble and it seemed reasonable enough. On the other hand, it wasn't Micky who was fighting in the cafeteria. There wasn't much time to think about things, if Micky still wanted a lunch he'd just have to accept the punishment and go about his day. He tried not to protest too much, but he couldn't help but add his two cents, like most of the other students. Micky spoke up as he watched the Sub walk out of the room, [color=aba000]"But, I have plans at 8!"[/color] His words falling on deaf ears. Micky sulked in his chair while he looked around the room at the others. [i]How in hell did I get clumped together with these guys...[/i] He thought to himself. He noticed Alden shifting in his chair, a sign that he's been here for some time now. [i]I guess their not all that bad[/i]. Micky let out another sigh a few moments after Om left the room. [color=aba000]"I guess it can't be helped."[/color] Micky said to the others, trying sound more zen than what he was feeling.