[@Queentze][@Slendy][@Kalas][@Hjalti][@Marik] [i]Donny was walkin' the Green Mile. Normally it takes decades for an execution to commence. Donny had been shoved right to the top after revealing the reservoir where he routinely dumped bodies. Eat your heart out, BTK. His hands were secured behind his back by a set of cuffs. On either side he was flanked by a large guard carrying an assault rifle. Behind him a priest strode. The guard on the right kept glancing at the nerdy bastard. Despite the imminence of his death, a serene little smile, as faint as a feather, was tacked onto his smooth face. He must have made his peace with God. That, or he belonged in an institution rather than Death Row. The guard looked ahead with a sigh. His knees were cramping from all of the standing he'd been having to do. Double shifts this week, and not at some prissy desk. He sniffed the air. Something smelled like fucking shit. [/i] [b]*Donny stopped short, the guards whirling towards him and bringing their guns up. Donny's smirk had turned into a grimace.*[/b] [color=a36209]"Ayuh... I gone 'n dunnit now boyeehs. Reck'n I'll need new perruh slacks."[/color] [color=7bcdc8]"He's fucking shit himself!"[/color] the guard on the right said. [color=92278f]"He's bloody soiled himself!"[/color] the guard on the left said. [color=9e0b0f]"Son of a bitch bogarted the choco-express right through fucking candyland."[/color] the priest said. [i]Both guards stared at the priest. Another guard came running over.[/i] [color=39b54a]"The hell is going on here?"[/color] [color=9e0b0f]"This sick sack of fucking ogre pricks went and burst the poop piƱata."[/color] [i]All three guards and Donny stared at the priest. Donny's eyes suddenly went wide, and he squatted down with a gutteral moan. The Browns had missed the Superbowl, and they were pissed off. The nearest guard took one hand off his rifle and reached out to steady Donny by the shoulder.[/i] [b]*Donny erupted from his crouch with a leap, tucking his knees up to pass his feet over his handcuffs before ramming into the guard that had touched him, twisting into the open arms of the man and clasping both hands about the rifle at the grip and forcing the guard's finger down on the trigger. The other two guards died with eyes that were as large as saucers, drywall dust puffing out from holes in the wall behind them. Donny shoulder flipped the guard struggling at his back, the hapless man's fingers snapping as the rifle was wrenched from him in the process. The priest watched without expression as Donny emptied the entire gun into the body on the floor.*[/b] [color=a36209]"Sawrry fer' this fathuh, but I'll be needin' yuh t'giddouta this sitchation."[/color] [i]With a smug grin Donny walked up to the priest, only to stagger back with blood spraying from a broken nose. The old holy man bounced on his heels, fists raised. Only then did Donny see the tattoo on the priest's forearm.[/i] [img]http://tattoo-journal.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/08/usmc-tattoo-13.jpg[/img] [i]Donny didn't have time for this Comedy Central bullshit. He pointed over the priest's shoulder with a gasp.[/i] [color=a36209]"Behind yeh fathuh! That black man's bouta play tongue twistuh widduh prettuh yawng white girl!"[/color] [i]The priest whirled around, teeth clenched. Nothing there. He then felt a rifle digging into the small of his back.[/i] [b]*It would be on the news. Infamous mafia hitman escaped death row by holding a priest hostage. Once outside they had entered a white Prius with no plates, likely with an accomplice driving, and had escaped before any choppers had arrived on the scene. Not that this had been the only prison break. Others had managed to get loose from the same facility that very day.*[/b]