[@Emma] Ohp, sorry for taking so long to reply. I didn't get a notif? Odd. Well, I am interested in that dynamic- the survivors and the natives- but I think a bit more of a... I dunno, 'backstory' for the island would be better? Not backstory, but more depth. Say... the dragons, combined with the reef surrounding the island, protect the island from people who have ill will. Except, the island isn't really large enough to contain the dragons, and so most of them... say, hibernate, and they're accordingly taken care of by the other dragons and a couple of the more mystically-inclined natives (shamans). The dragons are out of humanity's way, safe and far from armies or bounty hunters. They protect the island- in return, the natives help care for the island, and care for their sleeping ones. The survivors might show up thinking that maybe the island has some very large birds, and then realize there's something much deeper than oddly large birds flying about every now and then. I dunno. It just seems like the base plot- sort of looking for something deeper, something to sink my teeth in, so to speak.