Adrian sighed, it wasn't even his turn to serve drinks and this one person orders not one drink, [i]but four[/I], all at once... on top of that, they threatened his establishment... He didn't even know where to start with how rude this person was as he looked over his shoulder to see Miro's familiar if baffled facial-expression on the other side of the bar with Jossie. [i]Perfect.[/I] [color=9e0b0f]"Jossie! Six shots shots of whiskey!"[/color] He shouted over the din of the bar, loud enough even for Miro to hear. Joslyn looked up and around for a moment after getting over the fact that Miro was in Adrian's bar. She had not seen the male since the last time she had needed identification and had told him that she would be fine on her own. [color=green]"As you can see, the Boss is over at the bar,"[/color] she said, [color=green]"Take a minute to collect yourself while I go get him and take care of the whiskey order he just shouted my way."[/color] With a smile, she trotted off to the bar and hip checked Adrian on her way, stopping long enough to whisper in his ear that Miro was looking for him. In the mean time, she made quick work of the whiskey shots and set them down in front of the person she assume ordered them. [color=green]"Hey Adrian, is it common for so many people to come in during the afternoon? I thought bars were more of a night establishment."[/color] As she spoke, she trained her eyes on the robed figure and squinted into the folds, a small smile gracing her lips when she caught a bit of their features. To a normal person, nothing would have been distinguishable, but she wasn't exactly normal was she? Adrian kept out of Jossie's way, but did not move to avoid her obviously placing a hand around his hip as she glided a few quick words past his ear and finished making-up his order. He took one shot for himself and quickly downed it as he slid four of them Lyn's way and held the last one all to itself for Miro as he watched Jossie give a faint smile in recognition of both her guests. [color=9e0b0f]"I think we're just about on the same page now. Do try not to raise a fuss."[/color] He said to the rude patron as he smiled broadly and stood up to walk away, taking the money and the last shot with him over to Miro. Nodding to Jossie that afternoons were often busy enough to stay open for. [color=9e0b0f]"I see you have met our newest staff-member, Miro."[/color] He boomed, as he sat-down and slid the whiskey towards his old friend. [color=9e0b0f]"I may have a little job for you, I'm fixing-up one of the nearby apartment-complexes and could use some retired muscle with anger-issues to help with remodeling." [/color] He pulled a small wad of twenties out and slid them across the table, [color=9e0b0f]"As usual, the pay is reasonable."[/color]