[@Starfall] [i]The Magna Pater always emitted sonar, constantly. Fluctuating the frequency and strength of the noise came naturally to it. As for Satori's "mind's eye", it wouldn't work on the creature. She couldn't smell, hear, taste, or see it. Feel? Yes, but only the pain of it digging into her gut and shivving the largest artery in her body. If she got lucky and the shadow spikes made a bid for the beast's head as it penetrated her, something would become quite apparent. With its head pinning her, it was free to use its right arm, which would preemptively seek to convince her that having it suck her dry was the least of her worries. It would have left some nice gouges on her ankle when it left, but they were nothing compared to the finale. It was not a nice monster, or a politically correct one. It ate babies, tortured victims for months, and... Was just then attempting to jam its entire claw, up to the firearm, into Satori's loins. She could try and stop it from sucking her blood... But then she'd lack the immediate resources needed to keep it from yanking her entire digestive system out through her baby hatch. And the hammer? The monster would deploy its ultimate weapon to deal with that. As the slime and flesh of its body began to sizzle and melt before the immense heat, the tail would flick out to give Satori's grip on the hammer a wet slap, sticking there. She wouldn't let go, so how did it plan to...[/i] [color=9e0039] [b]*Sccchhhwuck.*[/b][/color] [i]A sickening slurp of skin and muscle disconnecting from bone and tendon. The tail would tear away from Satori's hands with such obscene impetus that its friction with the air would leave a haze of smoke behind, and an echo like that of a gunshot. The meat of Satori's mitts would have been sloughed away, pulled along with the tail like meat off a tender chicken leg. It was a band-aid rip taken up to the most obscenely lethal degree possible. Forget a whip. The Magna Pater could peel her like an orange. If the hammer's power was connected to Satori, this could very well break the link. Just to be sure though, the tail would then blur out to slap a grip on the hammer's shaft and plow it out from the woman's grasp. If still the heat came though, then the elder horror's pulsing frame would begin to dissolve beneath the heat. Fireproof? This shit wasn't fire. It was pure destruction, and not all the mucous in the world could save it from that. It would devote what few seconds it had left to making Satori's day as nasty as possible. [/i]