[@Doc Doctor] Of course a creature as creature as simple as the Magna Pater would not be intelligent enough to understand how the Mind of Satori's Eye worked but that didn’t stop it from working. Her supernatural sixth sense went beyond the conventional five, which isn't to say that any save for sight had been dulled by his actions, but he quite simply lacked the tools required to deny her vision. Not that he should feel ashamed about that, most of her opponents did, that's how the Princess of Darkness played the game after all. She denied tricks and traps whether they were literal or metaphorical, stripping monsters like the Primeval bare until they were left with nothing but wit and skill, and most were found wanting. And so Satori saw his every action with perfect clarity and reacted accordingly, alternating between defense and offense with six autonomous limbs and one holy artifact she used to torture him. Ineffectual as it was the Pater’s sonic shriek seemed more like a cry of terror to Satori. He attempted to bring his right arm up but it had been pierced at the wrist, the bones thoroughly shattered by the barbed head of her wing, the most he could manage would be tearing the entire hand off with one final burst of strength. Then he went so far as to thrust his stump, two stumps actually, at her abdomen and her forearm respectively. Each thump smeared his acidic blood across her clothing with a sizzle and a hiss, wearing away at her gear, but it wasn't enough. How could this be; well Satori was wearing a hunter’s coat, thick boots, and a set of clawed gauntlets. As foreign as it might have seemed these articles of clothing had actually been selected for defensive reasons as much as cosmetic ones. Sure they weren’t heavily enchanted toys from beyond the stars but they came in handy when things got down and dirty by keeping her safe from incidental damage when all other options were spent, not that they were. Merely flinging acid would do very little to a uniform that had survived literally everything else Satori had put it through. And even if he succeeded, did he really think blood was an effective weapon against a vampire? Did he think she intended to commit suicide when she promised to drink his blood? And that is how the Pater’s life would end. Blind and screaming while struggling for a victory that would not come; his head pierced on three different spikes while a blunt warhammer carved through his neck. The Father of Vampires who had denied evolution for thousands of years flailing hopelessly against the charming face of the latest model. It didn’t matter how many times he rewound time or rewrote his actions, how many scenarios he played out, he was quite simply outmatched. Fate had become a tunnel for him and Quaking Fire was the train at the very end of it, roaring down the tracks and hungry to consume his soul, and all he could do was struggle. At least for a time. But when it was over Satori was all that would be left, standing in a field of glass with her trophy hanging overhead.