Hella interested yo! [hider=Cagen] [center] [img]http://i.imgur.com/TnpjQr8.jpg[/img] [h3]Name:[/h3] Fletcher G. Payne [i]AKA Cagen[/i] [h3]Age:[/h3] 31 [h3]Gender:[/h3] Male [h3]Appearance:[/h3] Standing at 5'9", Cagen is not the most imposing figure. He weighs in at 155lbs and sports a well chiseled physique, honed from his many years of training as a US Marine and maintained through his time as a Private Military Contractor. He views the world, and the reaches of space, through grey eyes and has short/unkempt mousy-brown hair. His fashion style is very suited toward his job; Combat Slacks, a plain T-shirt and various pairs of Timberland Boots. His signature clothing piece would undoubtedly be his black Combat Trench Coat which usually hides his leather gun holster straps. [h3]Profession:[/h3] Interstellar Fugitive Enforcement Agent [i](Bounty Hunter)[/i] Contracted Debt Collector [h3]Other:[/h3] Ex-US Marine & Private Military Contractor His middle name is Gulliver Heavily addicted to CryStim [i]AKA Ice[/i] His father, William G. Payne, was also a Bounty Hunter [/center][/hider]