Here's my Diary Holder that I shall be playing for plot purposes. This should be fun -evilly laughs evilly- [hider=Yui Hanogai] [center][img][/img][/center] [hr][hr] [b]Name:[/b] [indent]Yui Hanogai[/indent] [b]Age:[/b] [indent]14[/indent] [b]Gender:[/b] [indent]Female[/indent] [b]Appearance:[/b] [indent]An energetic little pipsqueak, Yui's slender appearance can be summed up as a peppy loli standing at around 5ft 3in. She almost radiates an aura of cute and happy go-lucky but with an strangely unsettling after taste. Her big eyes are a chocolate-bronze and a cat-eared hat sits upon her pink dyed hair boasting a a teddy bear pin. In terms of clothing, Yui wears a classic sailor fuku, a blue skirt with a fun white shirt with all the decorative ribbons and such one expects from a school uniform. Her hairless legs have a long pair of cute pink stockings, capped off at her feet with white and green shoes. Yui's backpack is never far behind where ever she goes as its where she stores everything important.[/indent] [b]Personality:[/b] [indent]Outwardly, Yui is 110% moe; a bubbly little girl who, while a bit childish, is absolutely adorable. Talking in a high pitched, loli voice, she acts like like an fun-loving extrovert. However, behind the mask, she's quite the cruel individual, hating everyone and everything due blaming the world for her past. A pyromania at heart, she's just one of those people who'd do anything to watch the world burn, even become a God.[/indent] [b]Diary:[/b] [indent]Chaos Diary - Details what things how and when things will be destroyed and the number of casualties.[/indent] [b]Notable Skills:[/b] [indent]- Creation of explosives and other weapons - Being able to effectively use firearms - Able to act like an innocent little girl to avoid detection or escape[/indent] [b]History:[/b] [indent]Yui knows not what a "normal life" is, having been born to a young woman who had been sold into sexual slavery by the Yakuza and sharing a similar fate as her mother after being sold to a lesser gang. She pried her freedom from the bloody, dead bodies of her captors when she was 10 and had came up with many improvised explosive devices that left a warehouse into cinders. As she watched the fires burned, she immediately fell in love with them, awakening a sense of joy she had never seen before. Since then, Yui has been an unrestrained terrorist, blowing things up for her own amusement and watching all consuming fires steal the lives of many people. She wishes for little more than to watch the world burn in almost a sort of revenge move for the horrid life she's had to live. Ruruli actually had trouble attempting to give a Diary to Yui as she kept trying to kill Ruruli, forcing Gospel to intervene himself to deliver her a diary.[/indent] [b]Misc:[/b] [indent]N/A[/indent] [/hider]