[center][img]http://fontmeme.com/embed.php?text=Akio%20Kaiyami&name=DJ5CTRIAL.ttf&size=70&style_color=B7C3C7[/img] [img]https://pbs.twimg.com/media/CEK91qLUIAAC_Xr.jpg[/img] [url=https://www.youtube.com/watch?time_continue=80&v=oG2I17Zm8kI]Theme Song: LUVORATORRRRRY![/url] [/center] [hr][center]/\V/\V/\V/\V/\V/\V/\V/\V/\V/\V/\V/\[/center][hr] [color=silver]Name:[/color]Akio Kaiyami [color=silver]Age:[/color] 22 [color=silver]Gender:[/color] Male [hr][center]/\V/\V/\V/\V/\V/\V/\V/\V/\V/\V/\V/\[/center][hr] [color=silver]Height:[/color] 5ft 5in (1.65m) [color=silver]Weight:[/color] 120lb (~54.4kg) [hr][center]/\V/\V/\V/\V/\V/\V/\V/\V/\V/\V/\V/\[/center][hr] [color=silver]Likes:[/color] Nighttime Escapees, Complex Games/Games with Deeper Meanings, Cloths, Parties and Raves, Sleeping, Indian Food, Electronic Music, Philosophy, General Lewdness [color=silver]Dislikes:[/color] Romance, People who can't take a hint, People who can't take a joke, People who don't pay, the Aristocrats, Bugs, Prudes, Cleaning [color=silver]Party Trick:[/color] [i]"I'm a fabulous entertainer, but I feel that my best party tricks are shown behind closed doors. My favorite is making people question their sexuality."[/i] [hr][center]/\V/\V/\V/\V/\V/\V/\V/\V/\V/\V/\V/\[/center][hr] [color=silver]Occupation:[/color] [indent]Akio works at the Shine Players Casino in a multitude of roles, the most common being a waitress and an entertainer. He also openly admits to working some other jobs on the side but when asked, you'll only get a vague answer from him. His actual work time varies depending on the day, but he'll always be working almost all day on the weekends and usually night shifts on Friday.[/indent] [hr][center]/\V/\V/\V/\V/\V/\V/\V/\V/\V/\V/\V/\[/center][hr] [color=silver]Personality:[/color] [indent]Akio knows what his looks can do and how to exploit them. In short, he's a tease, a very lewd one at that. Something of a hedonistic pleasure seeker, he's constantly trying to find new things to entice himself with something new, within limit of course. That's not to say there are somethings that don't keep his interest for extended periods of time, but Akio is always on the hunt for something new, exciting and refreshing. To that end, he tend to be something of a flirt to try and entice or embarrass people for his own enjoyment which often ends with him getting a good laugh from shocking someone one about his actual gender or being able to take someone home with him. Shy is reserved are definitely things that are not part of Akio who is relatively... [i]open[/i] to his nightly escapees. However, he never seeks out relationships and much rather prefer to have his options open.[/indent] [hr][center]/\V/\V/\V/\V/\V/\V/\V/\V/\V/\V/\V/\[/center][hr] [color=silver]History:[/color] [indent]Akio was born to a upper-middle class family and was said to be mistaken for a girl by his own parents and the doctors at birth, hence his feminine name. He's always something of a wild child, his parents having a hard time controlling him even when young. They were put in quite the pickle as Akio, while rambunctious and unruly as he was, had preformed very well in academics and athletics, especially in gymnastics. Eventually, they kinda just stopped caring about what Akio did assuming he didn't kill someone or do anything extreme. But then, Akio did something extreme. While those who claim to know Akio well say that its unfathomable to imagine a time where he wasn't a trap, Akio only started acting like one right before entering college. Before that, he did show some girlish tendencies, but was by and large "manly" even if he didn't look like it. The summer between his senior year of high school and freshmen year of college saw his transformation of "trapformation" as he sometimes calls it, in which he had completely reinvented himself into what he is today. He also took advantage of the fact he was also legally an adult and indulged himself in whatever he so happened to feel like which also happened to let him earn some money on the side. Akio moved to Shine City almost in a sort of severing of ties with his parents and a sign of gaining independence, although they still are in contact with his parents sending him gifts for various holidays in the year. He started working at the casino since he felt it was easy work for decent pay; just shake his ass and act cute and get paid for it, maybe even get some tips or new "friends" out of it too.[/indent] [hr][center]/\V/\V/\V/\V/\V/\V/\V/\V/\V/\V/\V/\[/center][hr] [color=silver]Misc:[/color] - As one might expect, Akio is pansexual however ends up brining more guys home than girls. - Other songs include [url=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=el-WOc_xUU0]Blackjack[/url] for when he's working at the Casino and [url=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RirMIQtfd08&nohtml5=False]Sweet Devil[/url] as a secondary theme. - He's actually a fantastic servant in the sense he can cook and clean really efficiently, its just that he hates having to clean.