[@Dark Light] if you notice the CS sheet, it states the preferred age range is 16-19, so 18 would've been fine. I'd rather most characters be on or around the same 'level', and of similar age that they can interact with one another. When people are older, a 5ish year age gap isn't that bad, but when its 16 and 21? I'd prefer characters be within the same range. Call it nitpicky, but its my preferences. Coincidences? I'm fine with. Almost painfully convenient coincidences? Not so fine with. From a meta standpoint, I'm barely okay with your character having these powerful adamantium, orihalcum, and mithril weapons at the start of the RP. If the princess character gave herself an adamantium, orihalcum edged, mithril trimmed sword I would've straight up said no. The only reason why I'm remotely okay with your character wielding orihalcum, adamantium & mithril weapons- all of which are already plenty powerful on their own, is because your character's father was a royal smith- which was fairly original, and that throwing daggers aren't that powerful of a weapon in general, and are fairly situational.