[Center][B]☆ Helena ☆[/b] [I]Lyn's Hunt [/i][/center] Helena found herself flying lowly through the air, being tossed like she was nothing more than a rag doll. She was small, but this thing was more powerful than just being able to lift her because she was little. Even with how much blood it had lost and the damage it had taken, it still managed to toss her about like she was nothing. Howls of pain ripped through the air as she sailed and she hoped it was from the one she was fighting. She landed with a thud against the elf, knocking the breath out of her chest and tossing get glasses off her face before the two of them were a tangled pile of limbs. She dropped her knife so she didn't end up stabbing him as well, and struggled to free herself from the other body. She was sure that there was some elbows to the face on both sides before she finally managed to roll off of Sinys and get her breath back. Searching for her glasses first she came up on her blade instead, grasping the blood covered blade and looking to the cosh to see what was going on. It wasn't coming at them. It was almost totally still. It was dying, but it wasn't dead yet. The way it held itself, lowered itself down, it was pitiful. Such a beast brought down so low. She got to her knees and then up with a grunt and hiss of pain from the pressure on her injured arm. Foregoing her glasses she made her way to the cosh as slowly as she dared, trying not to rile it up and cause it to have one last sputter of attack in it. But the closer she got, the clearer she could see it, and she doubted that would happen. Helena knelt down within arm's reach of the cosh, breathing through her nose through the pain of newly found bruises. “I am sorry,” She murmured to it, taking the knife in left hand and with a deep breath, plunged it through at the base of the skull. A quick, and relatively pain free death for something that probably would have ripped her to shreds alive if she would have let it.