[hider=Aurora Ryder] Name: Aurora Evangeline Ryder Age: 22 Ethnicity: British Height: 5ft6 [hider=Appearance] [IMG]http://i722.photobucket.com/albums/ww228/PastaSorcerer/OCs/Screenshot_2015-07-17-00-30-15_zpsjahm4olc_edit_1437572696411.png_zpsrdankbkw.jpeg[/IMG] Background: She moved to America from England when she decided to take her university course there. She has rich parents so she could pretty much do whatever she wanted, she was lucky like that. Finished her final year, studying Make-Up for Media & Performance, (prefers the special effects make-up and makes quite the killing at Halloween thanks to her talent... pun not intended.) She loves the ability to completely change someone's appearance. She's pretty much a typical young adult, but has a passion for all things dark and creepy. She's also nosey and cant help herself from snooping in peoples diaries from time to time. She never tells anyone anything, she just cant help herself from poking her nose where it shouldn't be. She decided to stay in America after her course finished due to wanting to make it in Hollywood. Painting and moulding the faces of the stars. [/hider] [/hider]